RESTORE Procedure

Restores the PV-WAVE objects saved in a file by the SAVE procedure.


RESTORE[, filename]

Input Parameters

filenameThe name of the file from which the PV‑WAVE objects should be restored. If not specified, the wavesave.dat file is used.


Filename—The name of the file from which the PV-WAVE objects should be restored. If not present, wavesave.dat is used. This keyword serves exactly the same purpose as the filename parameter; only one of them needs to be provided.

Verbose—If present and nonzero, prints an informative message for each restored object.

Scan—When set, causes the file to be scanned for variable names with no other actions performed. The names are returned as a string array in the variable provided via the Vlist keyword. The Scan and Vlist keywords must be used together. If no variables are found in the file, a message is printed and the output variable specified via the Vlist keyword is left in its original state.

Vlist—(Input/Output) This keyword has the following functions:

Input (Scan = 0): A string array of variable names to be extracted from the wavesave.dat file. When Vlist is used to specify variables to extract, no other elements in the file are restored to the PV-WAVE session.

Ouput(Scan = 1): Specifies a variable in which to return a string array containing the names of all the variables found in the wavesave.dat file. If no variables are found in the file, a message is printed and the output variable specified via the Vlist keyword is left in its original state. Vlist works with $MAIN$-level user and system variables only.


Saving and restoring the value –0.0 (negative float zero) is not portable between platforms. This is because of different internal implementations of that number.


; Save all local variables and system variables.
; User exits and then enters a new PV-WAVE session. 
SAVE, /All, Filename='mysave.dat'
; Restore all the saved variables.
RESTORE, 'mysave.dat'

See Also


System Variables:!XDR_LONG

For more information, see the PV‑WAVE User Guide.