JOURNAL Procedure

Provides a record of an interactive session by saving in a file all text entered from the terminal in response to a prompt.


    JOURNAL[, param]

Input Parameters

param—(optional) A string parameter whose use depends on whether journaling is in progress when JOURNAL is called, and whether param is explicitly set:

  • If journaling is not in progress and param is supplied, param sets the name of the journal file the session’s commands will be written into.

  • If journaling is not in progress and param is not supplied, the default journal file named is used.

  • If journaling is in progress and param is supplied, the contents of the param string is written directly into the currently open journal file.

  • If journaling is in progress and param is not supplied, the current journal file is closed and the logging process is terminated.


Nobuffer—If present and nonzero, output lines will be written immediately to the journal file without the normal file buffering.


The first call to JOURNAL starts the logging process. The read-only system variable !Journal is set to the file unit into which all session commands are written. Once the logging is initiated, a call to JOURNAL with no parameters closes the log file and terminates the logging process. If logging is in effect and a parameter is supplied, the parameter is simply written to the journal file.

See Also


Also see the PV‑WAVE User Guide.