ZAxis Keyword


Corresponding System Variable: None.

Specifies the existence of a z-axis for CONTOUR and CONTOUR2, and the placement of the z-axis for SURFACE. For AXIS, the ZAxis keyword indicates that a z-axis is to be drawn and where it should be placed.

CONTOUR and CONTOUR2 draw no z-axis by default. Include the ZAxis keyword in the call to CONTOUR and CONTOUR2 to draw a z-axis. This is of use only if a three-dimensional transformation is established.

By default, SURFACE draws the z-axis at the upper-left corner of the axis box. To suppress the z-axis, use ZAxis = -1 in the call. The position of the z-axis is determined from ZAxis as follows:
1 = lower-right, 2 = lower-left, 3 = upper-left, and 4 = upper-right.