PLOT Procedures
Produce a 2D graph of vector parameters:
*PLOT produces a simple XY plot.
*PLOT_IO produces an XY plot with logarithmic scaling on the y-axis.
*PLOT_OI produces an XY plot with logarithmic scaling on the x-axis.
*PLOT_OO produces an XY plot with logarithmic scaling on both the x- and y-axes.
PLOT, x[, y]
PLOT_IO, x[, y]
PLOT_OI, x[, y]
PLOT_OO, x[, y]
Input Parameters
x — A vector. If only one parameter is supplied, x is plotted on the y-axis as a function of point number.
y — (optional) A vector. If two parameters are supplied, y is plotted as a function of x.
When plotting, invalid data values such as INF, –INF, NaN, and their Windows equivalents are ignored. The plot lines are discontiguous at invalid points.
Keywords let you control many aspects of a plot’s appearance. Valid keywords for the four PLOT procedures are listed below. For a description of each keyword, see Chapter 21: Graphics and Plotting Keywords.
PLOT Example 1
This example shows the most common way to use the PLOT procedure.
; Create a sine wave from 0 to 360 degrees.
x = FINDGEN(37) * 10
y = SIN(x * !Dtor)
; Plot the sine wave using default values for plotting keywords.
; Plot the sine wave against the x values, change the range of
; the x-axis, and add labels. Notice that PV-WAVE rounds the
; requested range values on the axis to values that give a nice
; looking plot, in this case 0 to 400.
PLOT, x, y, XRange=[0, 360], Title='SIN(X)',$
   XTitle='degrees', YTitle='sin(x)'
; Use keywords to get the desired style and to add fonts to
; the labels.
PLOT, x, y, XRange=[0, 360], XStyle=1, XTicks=6, $
   XMinor=6, XTitle='!8degrees', YTitle='!8sin(x)!3', $
; Plot a base line at 0.
PLOTS, [0, 360], [0, 0]
; Set up a predefined color table called tek_color.
; Fill under the positive half of the curve with solid magenta.
POLYFILL, x(0:18), y(0:18), Color=WoColorConvert(6)
; Calculate the cosine of x.
z = COS(x * !Dtor)
; Plot cosine using a thick, dashed line and a different color.
OPLOT, x, z, Linestyle=2, Color=WoColorConvert(3), Thick=4
PLOT_OO Example
This example creates a logarithmic plot.
; Create the data.
x = [100, 5000, 20000, 50000, 70000L]
y = [100, 10000, 1100000L, 100000L, 200000L]
; Plot the data on a log-log plot, with dotted grid lines.
; Use a format of I7 for the plot labels.
PLOT_OO, x, y, Ticklen=0.5, Gridstyle=1, $
   Tickformat='(I7)', Title='TEST PLOT', $
   YRange=[1.e2, 1.e7], YStyle=1
; Get the maximum value of y.
max_y = MAX(y)
; Get the value for x when y is at its maximum.
x_max_y = x(WHERE(y EQ max_y))
; Print Test Max centered at the maximum point.
XYOUTS, x_max_y(0), max_y+1.e5, 'Test Max', Alignment=0.5
PLOT_IO Example
In this example, the cubic spline interpolant to the function
f(x) = 1000sin(1/x2) + cos(10x)
over the interval [1, 21] is plotted using PLOT_IO. This example uses the PV-WAVE IMSL Mathematics function CSINTERP. The results are shown in Figure 13-3: Plot of Cubic Spline Interpolant Function using PLOT_IO.
; Generate the abscissas.
x = FINDGEN(101)/5 + 1
; Generate the function values.
y = 1000 * SIN(1/x^2) + COS(10 * x)
; Initialize the IMSL Mathematics Toolkit
; Compute the cubic spline interpolant.
pp = CSINTERP(x, y)
; Compute the spline values.
ppval = SPVALUE(FINDGEN(1001)/50 + 1, pp)
; Plot the result with logarithmic scaling on the y-axis.
PLOT_IO, FINDGEN(1001)/50 + 1, ppval
Figure 13-3: Plot of Cubic Spline Interpolant Function using PLOT_IO
PLOT_OI Example
This example uses the PV-WAVE IMSL Mathematics SPVALUE function. The results are shown in Figure 13-4: Semi-logarithmic Scaling of f(x) using PLOT_OI.
; Generate the abscissas and function values.
x = FINDGEN(100) * 10
y = x + 100 * COS(0.05 * x)
; Initialize the IMSL Mathematics Toolkit
; Compute the cubic spline interpolant.
pp = CSINTERP(x, y)
; Compute the spline values.
ppval = SPVALUE(FINDGEN(1000), pp)
; Plot the result with logarithmic scaling on the x-axis.
PLOT_OI, FINDGEN(1000), ppval, XRange=[10, 1000]
Figure 13-4: Semi-logarithmic Scaling of f(x) using PLOT_OI
PLOT Example 2
This example creates a polar plot.
; Create the data.
theta = (FINDGEN(200)/100) * !Pi
r = 2 * SIN(4 * theta)
; Display a polar plot, disabling the box-style axes.
PLOT, r, theta, /Polar, XStyle=4, YStyle=4, $
; Draw an x-axis at the point 0, 0 with tick marks going down.
AXIS, 0, 0, XAxis=0
; Draw a y-axis at the point 0, 0 with tick marks going left.
AXIS, 0, 0, YAxis=0
PLOT Example 3
This example creates a plot with multiple axes.
temperature = [50., 40., 35., 60., 40.]
pressure = [1025, 1020, 1015, 1026, 1022]
; Plot temperature against scale on the left axis.
PLOT, temperature, YRange=[20., 70], $
   YTitle='Degrees Fahrenheit', XTitle='Sample Number', $
   Title='Sample Data', XMargin=[8, 8], YStyle=8, $
; Create the axis for air pressure.
AXIS, YAxis=1, YRange=[1000, 1040], YStyle=1, $
   YTitle='Air Pressure', /Save, Color=WoColorConvert(6)
; Plot air pressure against scale on the right axis.
OPLOT, pressure, Linestyle=2, Color=WoColorConvert(6)
; Display a legend.
LEGEND, ['Temperature', 'Air Pressure'], $
   WoColorConvert([16, 6]), [0, 2], [0, 0], 2.4, 1005, 2
PLOT Example 4
This example creates a plot with a Date/Time x-axis.
; Create a date-time array with the first day of 2002.
x = VAR_TO_DT(2002,1,1)
; Create an array of date lines with one value for each month.
x = DTGEN(x, 12, /Month)
; Create an array of data values ranging from 0 to 1000.
y = RANDOMU(seed, 12) * 1000
; Print the current names for months, and then save them.
PRINT, !Month_Names
hold_month_names = !Month_Names
; Change the names to be 3-letter abbreviations for the months.
FOR i=0L, 11 DO !Month_Names(i) = STRMID(!Month_Names(i), 0, 3)
; Create labels on the y-axis that start with a '$'.
ylabels = STRARR(6)
FOR i=0L, 5 DO ylabels(i) = '$' + STRTRIM(string(100L * i * 2), 2)
; Plot the data and restore !Month_names to the original.
PLOT, x, y, /Month_Abbr, /Box, Title='Test Date Plot', $
   YRange=[0, 1000], YStyle=1, YTickname=ylabels, YTicks=5,$
   YTitle='In thousands', YGridstyle=1, YTicklen=0.5
!Month_Names = hold_month_names
Plot Example 5
This example creates a filled histogram plot.
; Create some data
n = 9
x = RANDOMU(s,n)*100
y = RANDOMU(s,n)*100
i = SORT(x)
x = x(i)
y = y(i)
; Establish the coordinate system
PLOT, x, y, Thick=2, Psym=10, Xstyle=1, /Nodata
; Calculate the additional x-values
xnew = (x(0:n-2) + x(1:n-1)) / 2.0D
; Create array containing all x-values
xx = REBIN(xnew, N_ELEMENTS(xnew)*2, /sample)
xx = [!X.Crange(0), !X.Crange(0), xx, !X.Crange(1), $
; Create array with the corresponding y-values
yy = REBIN(y, N_ELEMENTS(y)*2, /Sample)
yy = [0, yy, 0]
; Fill the histogram plot
POLYFILL, xx, yy, Psym=2, Color=WoColorConvert(24)
; Histogram plot
PLOT, x, y, Thick=2, Psym=10, Xstyle=1, /Noerase
See Also
For background information, see the PV‑WAVE User’s Guide.