PV-WAVE Foundation > User Guide > Getting Started: Windows > Summary of PV-WAVE Startup Commands
Summary of PV-WAVE Startup Commands
You can start PV‑WAVE in Home window mode or Console window mode. The command syntax for each mode is presented in Table 3-1: Command Line Syntax for Running PV‑WAVE.
Command Line Syntax for Running PV‑WAVE 
Run PV‑WAVE in a Console window. (The options are described in the next table.)
Run the PV‑WAVE Home window.
The command line options available for the wave command are listed in Table 3-2: Command Line Options for the wave Command.
Command Line Options for the wave Command
Command Line Option
Execute a command file during startup.
–r or –rt plus filename
Start PV‑WAVE in runtime mode. The previously compiled application stored in filename starts automatically.
Note: Command line options are not case-sensitive. In other words, they can be entered in either lower, mixed, or upper case.
Several of PV‑WAVE’s command line options can be combined on one command line.
Standard I/O and Error Redirection
Previous versions of PV‑WAVE on Windows (before Version 6.0), allowed command line flags for standard I/O and error redirection. With Version 6.0, these flags are no longer supported. Instead you can use standard I/O redirection on the command line. For example, the previous command line flags:
wave -i infile -o outfile -e errfile
can be replaced with:
wave < infile > outfile 2> errfile
in PV-WAVE 6.0 and later.
Only the wave command supports I/O redirection. The command wavewin does not support any I/O or error redirection.