PV-WAVE Foundation > User Guide
User Guide
Welcome to the user guide for PV‑WAVE! This manual explains how to use PV‑WAVE to perform many kinds of visual data analysis (VDA)—2D and 3D plotting, image processing, volume rendering, and mapping techniques are discussed. In addition, this manual discusses how to manage your PV‑WAVE session, use color to enhance displayed data, create tables of data, and incorporate date/time data into your plots.
The topics in this tutorial are organized as follows:
*Chapter 1: Learning PV-WAVE—Provides an overview of the topics discussed in this manual.
*Chapter 2: Getting Started: UNIX—Discusses some of PV‑WAVE’s basic operations under UNIX, such as starting and stopping the software, using the online Help and documentation systems, journaling, and saving and restoring sessions.
*Chapter 3: Getting Started: Windows—Discusses some of PV‑WAVE’s basic operations under Windows.
*Chapter 4: Displaying 2D Data—Covers the basics of X versus Y plotting.
*Chapter 5: Displaying 3D Data—Describes the basics of contour and surface plotting.
*Chapter 6: Displaying Images—Describes routines used for displaying images and image processing.
*Chapter 7: Rendering Techniques—Describes the routines and techniques used to render volumes.
*Chapter 8: Working with Date/Time Data—Explains how to create plots with a Date/Time axis.
*Chapter 9: Creating and Querying Tables—Discusses how to create and subset tables using SQL-like functions.
*Chapter 10: Using Fonts—Discusses how to use and format software, or vector-drawn, fonts. This chapter also discusses the difference between software and hardware fonts and how to choose between them.
*Chapter 11: Using Color in Graphics Windows—Discusses color systems and introduces the routines that control color tables and plot colors.
*Chapter 12: Mapping with PV-WAVE—Discusses mapping procedures and optimization.
*Chapter 13: PV-WAVE on the World Wide Web—Describes features that allow you to process and present data across the Internet or your intranet.