PV-WAVE Foundation > User Guide > PV-WAVE on the World Wide Web
PV-WAVE on the World Wide Web
PV‑WAVE provides a collection of features that allow you to process and present data across the Internet. You can also use the new functionality to work efficiently across private intranets.
PV‑WAVE’s Web-enabling technology allows you to:
*Develop HTML and VRML files.
*Open remote files for PV‑WAVE processing.
*Use your local PV‑WAVE installation as a helper application.
*Use a remote (server-side) PV‑WAVE installation.
HTML, VRML, and file handling capabilities are part of the standard library and documented in the PV‑WAVE Reference. Many of these routines and all of the other web-enabling features are also outlined and demonstrated in the following directory:
(UNIX) <wavedir>/demo/web
(WIN) <wavedir>\demo\web
where <wavedir> is the main PV‑WAVE directory.