IMSL Statistics Reference Guide > Probability Distribution Functions and Inverses

Probability Distribution Functions and Inverses
This section contains the following topics:
*Discrete Random Variables: Distribution and Probability Functions
* BINOMIALCDF Function (PV-WAVE Advantage)—Binomial distribution function.
* BINOMIALPDF Function (PV-WAVE Advantage)—Binomial probability function.
* HYPERGEOCDF Function (PV-WAVE Advantage)—Hypergeometric distribution function.
* HYPERGEOPDF Function (PV-WAVE Advantage)—Evaluates the hypergeometric probability function.
* POISSONCDF Function (PV-WAVE Advantage)—Poisson distribution function.
* POISSONPDF Function (PV-WAVE Advantage)—Evaluates the probability function of a Poisson random variable with parameter theta.
*Continuous Random Variables
* BETACDF Function (PV-WAVE Advantage)—Beta distribution function.
* BINORMALCDF Function (PV-WAVE Advantage)—Bivariate normal distribution.
* CHISQCDF Function (PV-WAVE Advantage)—Chi-squared distribution function.
* NON_CENTRAL_CHI_SQ_PDF Function (PV-WAVE Advantage)—Evaluates the noncentral chi-squared probability density function.
* FCDF Function (PV-WAVE Advantage)F distribution function.
* COMPLEMENTARY_F_CDF Function (PV-WAVE Advantage)—Evaluates the complement of the F distribution function.
* NON_CENTRAL_F_PDF Function (PV-WAVE Advantage)—Evaluates the noncentral F probability density function (PDF).
* NON_CENTRAL_F_CDF Function (PV-WAVE Advantage)—Evaluates the noncentral F cumulative distribution function (CDF).
* GAMMACDF Function (PV-WAVE Advantage)—Gamma distribution function.
* NORMALCDF Function (PV-WAVE Advantage)—Normal (Gaussian) distribution function.
* MULTIVARIATE_NORMAL_CDF Function (PV-WAVE Advantage)—Evaluates the cumulative distribution function for the multivariate normal distribution.
* TCDF Function (PV-WAVE Advantage)—Student’s t distribution function.
* COMPLEMENTARY_T_CDF Function (PV-WAVE Advantage)—Evaluates the complement of the Student’s t distribution.

Version 2017.0
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