Finding IPs in the system

The IP catalog is an enterprise-wide catalog that can be used to search and filter groups of IPs. The IPs visible to any given user are filtered by the permissions that have been granted to that user. The IP catalog can be accessed from any of the Helix IPLM Clients.

The pi ip list command can be used from the command line interface to list and filter IPs in the system. It is the equivalent of the IP catalog on IPLM Web and can list IPs filtered by Library, IP Name, Line, Version, label and Aliases.

For more information, see:

IP and IPV details in IPLM Web

The Details tab on each IPV page provides access to a summary data sheet page for the IP, Line, and Version that is currently selected. The information includes the releases and release hierarchies (BOMs) of the IP, simulation and requirements information, links to external data, properties, summaries of the verification state, and DRC/LVS results.

The contents and hierarchy of each release can be viewed, as well as the usage - where this IP release is used as a resource by other projects. Usage allows tracking down each instance of an IP or IPV across the entire organization, which simplifies issue tracking and licensing.

Command Line

pi ip list command

The pi ip list command can be used from the command line interface to list and filter IPs in the system. It is the equivalent of the IP catalog on IPLM Web and can list IPs filtered by Library, IP Name, Line, Version, label and Aliases.

pi ip list Command
> pi ip list tutorial.tutorial -a
│ NAME                      │ DM │ ALIASES                   │ CREATED BY │ CREATED ON                    │ VERSION MESSAGE     │
│ tutorial.tutorial@1.L1    │ P4 │ HEAD LATEST               │ admin      │ 2020-03-26 14:43:38 -0400 EDT │ tutorial L1 release │
│ tutorial.tutorial@0.L1    │ P4 │                           │ admin      │ 2020-03-26 14:43:35 -0400 EDT │ variant L1          │
│ tutorial.tutorial@1.L2    │ P4 │ HEAD LATEST               │ admin      │ 2020-03-26 14:43:41 -0400 EDT │ tutorial L2 release │
│ tutorial.tutorial@0.L2    │ P4 │                           │ admin      │ 2020-03-26 14:43:35 -0400 EDT │ variant L2          │
│ tutorial.tutorial@1.L3    │ P4 │ HEAD LATEST               │ admin      │ 2020-03-26 14:43:44 -0400 EDT │ tutorial L3 release │
│ tutorial.tutorial@0.L3    │ P4 │                           │ admin      │ 2020-03-26 14:43:36 -0400 EDT │ variant L3          │
│ tutorial.tutorial@1.L4    │ P4 │ HEAD LATEST               │ admin      │ 2020-03-26 14:43:47 -0400 EDT │ tutorial L4 release │
│ tutorial.tutorial@0.L4    │ P4 │                           │ admin      │ 2020-03-26 14:43:36 -0400 EDT │ variant L4          │
│ tutorial.tutorial@7.TRUNK │ P4 │ GOLD HEAD ISO26262 LATEST │ admin      │ 2020-06-16 12:51:39 -0400 EDT │ new tutorial        │
│ tutorial.tutorial@6.TRUNK │ P4 │ GOLD ISO26262             │ admin      │ 2020-03-26 15:58:08 -0400 EDT │ adding fusa ip      │
│ tutorial.tutorial@5.TRUNK │ P4 │                           │ admin      │ 2020-03-26 14:43:34 -0400 EDT │ tutorial release    │
│ tutorial.tutorial@4.TRUNK │ P4 │ GOLD                      │ admin      │ 2020-03-26 14:43:34 -0400 EDT │ tutorial release    │
│ tutorial.tutorial@3.TRUNK │ P4 │                           │ admin      │ 2020-03-26 14:43:34 -0400 EDT │ tutorial release    │
│ tutorial.tutorial@2.TRUNK │ P4 │ GOLD                      │ admin      │ 2020-03-26 14:43:33 -0400 EDT │ tutorial release    │
│ tutorial.tutorial@1.TRUNK │ P4 │ GOLD                      │ admin      │ 2020-03-26 14:43:21 -0400 EDT │ tutorial release    │
│ tutorial.tutorial@0.TRUNK │ P4 │                           │ admin      │ 2020-03-26 14:43:18 -0400 EDT │ Initial version     │
Found 16 matching object(s).

A detailed view of IPvs in the system is available via the --contents (or --verbose) flags. All details of each release are readily available, and can be formatted in JSON format for easier processing.

pi ip list Description
> pi ip list tutorial.tutorial@.TRUNK --contents
IP Version tutorial.tutorial@6.TRUNK:
    Description               - Helix IPLM tutorial project
    DM type                   - Perforce Software, Inc. (P4)
    Host                      -
    Repo Path                 - //mdx_test/tutorial/tutorial/TRUNK
    Resources                 - ARM.cortex@1.TRUNK
                                tutorial.CADenv@GOLD.TRUNK [@1]
                                tutorial.analog_top@HEAD.TRUNK [@1]
                                tutorial.fusa@LATEST.TRUNK [@0]
    Current Aliases           - GOLD HEAD ISO26262 LATEST
    Historic Aliases          -
    Version Message           - adding fusa ip

    IP created on             - 2020-01-27 06:52:44 -0800 PST by admin
    Line created on           - 2020-01-27 06:52:44 -0800 PST by admin
    IP Version created on     - 2020-01-27 07:19:25 -0800 PST by admin

  Project Properties:
    *                         - --mode both --path blocks/$IP


  Property Sets:
      IP Properties:
        auth_required         - N
        external_ip           - N
        internal_ipid         - INTERN6578W
        ip_lifecycle          - owned
        license_agreement     - INTERNAL
        license_class         - B
        license_expire        - 2025-01-31 04:00:00 -0800 PST (*)
        license_start         - 2018-06-15 05:00:00 -0700 PDT (*)
        owner                 - BU356
        process_name          - MS90G
        process_node          - 90
        vendor_id             - INTERNAL
        vendor_ipid           - INTERNAL
      IP Version Properties:
        BlockSize_rel         - 0.34 mm2
        CMRR_rel              - 112.0 dB
        INL_rel               - 20.0 ppm
        NIR_rel               - 490.0 nVRMS
        PSRR_rel              - 101.0 dB
        PowerHigh_rel         - 1.6 mW
        PowerNominal_rel      - 1.4 mW
        Vio_rel               - 6.0 uV
      IP Properties:
        BlockSize_target      - 0.34 mm2
        CMRR_target           - 112.0 dB
        INL_target            - 20.0 ppm
        NIR_target            - 490.0 nVRMS
        PSRR_target           - 101.0 dB
        PowerHigh_target      - 1.6 mW
        PowerNominal_target   - 1.4 mW
        Vio_target            - 6.0 uV
      IP Properties:
        BlockSize_latest      - 0.32 mm2
        CMRR_latest           - 107.0 dB
        INL_latest            - 18.5 ppm
        NIR_latest            - 463.0 nVRMS
        PSRR_latest           - 110.0 dB
        PowerHigh_latest      - 1.55 mW
        PowerNominal_latest   - 1.35 mW
        Vio_latest            - 3.5 uV
      IP Version Properties:
        BlockSize_verif       - 0.32 mm2
        CMRR_verif            - 107.0 dB
        INL_verif             - 18.5 ppm
        NIR_verif             - 463.0 nVRMS
        PSRR_verif            - 110.0 dB
        PowerHigh_verif       - 1.55 mW
        PowerNominal_verif    - 1.35 mW
        Vio_verif             - 3.5 uV
      IP Properties:
        target_power          - 50.0 mW
        target_size           - 35.0 sq-mm
      IP Version Properties:
        coverage              - 22.0 % (*)
        power                 - 1.0 mW (*)
        regr                  - 100 /2000 (*)
        size                  - 1.0 sq-mm (*)
      IP Properties:
        compliance_cond       - SOC-SPV-13
        compliance_specs      - SOC-SPV-14
        jama_object           - SOC-STY-16
        jama_project          - SoCSouthBridge
        jama_url              -
        review_version        - 1
      IP Version Properties:
        Supply_rel            - 1.2 V
        TempHi_rel            - 125.0 C
        TempLow_rel           - -55.0 C
        fclk_rel              - 1.2 MHz
      IP Properties:
        Supply_target         - 1.2 V
        TempHi_target         - 125.0 C
        TempLow_target        - -55.0 C
        fclk_target           - 1.2 MHz

  Permissions on IP:
    Owner                     - u:ada u:alan u:george
    Write Permissions         - u:ada u:alan u:george
    Read Permissions          - g:analog g:tutorial u:ada u:alan u:george

  Permissions on Line TRUNK:
    Owner                     - u:ada u:alan u:george
    Write Permissions         - u:ada u:alan u:george
    Read Permissions          - g:analog g:tutorial u:ada u:alan u:george

    Post-Release              - /var/tmp/ $LIB $IP $VER $LINE


Found 1 matching object(s).

Searching with Saved queries

Helix IPLM saved queries can be used to filter the pi ip list command, in the same way the Advanced search on IPLM Web uses the Query language

> pi ip list -sq not_qualified_ext
│ NAME                           │ DM │ ALIASES     │ CREATED BY │ CREATED ON                    │ VERSION MESSAGE           │
│ ARM.cortex@0.L1                │ P4 │ HEAD LATEST │ admin      │ 2020-01-27 06:58:40 -0800 PST │ variant L1                │
│ ARM.cortex@0.L2                │ P4 │ HEAD LATEST │ admin      │ 2020-01-27 06:58:41 -0800 PST │ variant L2                │
│ ARM.cortex@0.L3                │ P4 │ HEAD LATEST │ admin      │ 2020-01-27 06:58:42 -0800 PST │ variant L3                │
│ ARM.cortex@0.L4                │ P4 │ HEAD LATEST │ admin      │ 2020-01-27 06:58:42 -0800 PST │ variant L4                │
│ ARM.cortex@6.TRUNK             │ P4 │ HEAD LATEST │ admin      │ 2020-01-27 06:58:33 -0800 PST │ releasing ARM.cortex      │
│ ARM.cortex2@8.TRUNK            │ P4 │ HEAD LATEST │ admin      │ 2020-01-27 07:38:00 -0800 PST │ Initial version           │
│ Mem.nand_flash@10.TRUNK        │ P4 │ HEAD LATEST │ admin      │ 2020-01-27 07:38:07 -0800 PST │ Initial version           │
│ Mem.nor_flash@3.TRUNK          │ P4 │ HEAD LATEST │ admin      │ 2020-01-27 07:37:45 -0800 PST │ releasing Mem.nor_flash   │
│ PDK.fab1_09@0.TRUNK            │ FS │ HEAD LATEST │ admin      │ 2020-01-27 06:57:55 -0800 PST │ Initial version           │
│ PDK.gpdk090@0.TRUNK            │ FS │ HEAD LATEST │ admin      │ 2020-01-27 06:57:54 -0800 PST │ Initial version           │
│ PLL.cyclone_pll@1.TRUNK        │ P4 │ HEAD LATEST │ admin      │ 2020-01-27 06:58:23 -0800 PST │ releasing PLL.cyclone_pll │
│ PLL.tms_pll@1.TRUNK            │ P4 │ HEAD LATEST │ admin      │ 2020-01-27 06:58:29 -0800 PST │ releasing PLL.tms_pll     │
│ tutorial.acells_tsmc18@1.TRUNK │ P4 │ HEAD LATEST │ admin      │ 2020-01-27 06:50:37 -0800 PST │ hier release              │
│ tutorial.laysc_tsmc18@1.TRUNK  │ P4 │ HEAD LATEST │ admin      │ 2020-01-27 06:50:41 -0800 PST │ hier release              │
Found 14 matching object(s).