Adding Jira webhooks

Webhooks notify external services about events that occur in Helix DAM. To learn more about webhooks, see Using webhooks.

You can add webhooks that integrate Helix DAM with a Jira instance to share information between the applications. After a Helix DAM administrator adds a Jira webhook, Helix DAM users can add Jira issue links to assets. Basic information about the Jira issue and a link is displayed with the asset. When the asset is updated, the webhook runs and information is automatically sent and displayed in the related Jira issue.

Jira webhooks run when users:

  • Update assets, which includes:

    • Adding new asset versions

    • Moving assets

    • Renaming assets

    • Deleting assets

  • Update the status of assets

  • Add comments to assets

You can also add custom webhooks to integrate Helix DAM with other external services. To learn more, see Adding custom webhooks.


To work with webhooks, you use the Helix TeamHub web interface and you must be a company admin.

  1. In Helix DAM, click your user avatar and select Go to Helix TeamHub.

  2. In Helix TeamHub, go to the company to apply the webhook to. The webhook will be available for all projects in the company.


    When configuring webhooks in Helix TeamHub, you will see references to repositories/collections. Helix TeamHub stores files in repositories and Helix DAM stores assets in collections.

  3. Click Webhooks in the left navigation pane.

  4. On the Webhooks page, click plus Add icon.

  5. On the Define details tab in the Add webhook pane, enter or select general information about the webhook.

    Field Description
    Name Enter a name for the webhook to distinguish it from other webhooks. For example, you may want to use the Jira project name to make it easily identifiable to users when they add Jira links to assets.
    Type Select Jira. To add a custom webhook that integrates with other external services, see Adding custom webhooks.
    Projects By default, the webhook runs on all projects. To only run the webhook on specific projects, select the projects in the list. You can search for a project. To remove a selected project, click X next to it.
    Repositories/collections By default, the webhook runs on all collections in the selected projects. To only run the webhook on specific collections, select the collections in the list. You can search for a collection. To remove a selected collection, click X next to it.
    Events that trigger webhook By default, the webhook runs for all supported events for Helix DAM assets. To only run the webhook when specific events occur, select the events in the list. To remove a selected event, click X next to it.
    Interval Select whether to run the webhook immediately after the event is performed or at a specified interval. An interval 5 minutes or more sends a batch of events that occur during the interval time.
    Status To prevent the webhook from running, toggle the Status off. The webhook is displayed in gray on the Webhooks page. For example, you may want turn off a webhook a project phase is complete and no longer want Helix DAM to automatically update Jira with information.
  6. Click Next.

  7. On the Configure webhook tab, enter or select the Jira URL, authentication parameters, and advanced options to customize the webhook.

    Field Description
    URL URL for the Jira instance to connect to from Helix DAM.
    Insecure SSL If the Jira instance uses an SSL certificate that cannot be verified, such as a self-signed certificate, select this option.
    Authentication parameters Select the authentication type to log in to the Jira instance and enter the credentials. The username associated with the credentials you enter is displayed in Jira comments as the user who performed an action in Helix DAM. You should use a Jira account that is not associated with a specific team member.
    • Jira Cloud - basic: Select if your Jira instance is hosted in Jira Cloud. Enter the Jira Username and Access token to authenticate with Jira Cloud. Click to view the text of the access token you enter. To learn more about generating access tokens, see the Atlassian help.

    • Jira Data Center - basic: Select if your Jira instance is hosted in Jira Data Center and uses basic authentication. Enter the Username and Password to authenticate with Jira Data Center. Click to view the text of the password you enter.

    • Jira Data Center - bearer: Select if your Jira instance is hosted in Jira Data Center and uses bearer authentication. Enter your Personal access token. Click to view the text of the access token you enter. To learn more about generating personal access tokens, see the Atlassian help.

    Advanced settings Optional. Click the arrow to expand the area and set the options.
    • To override the default proxy configuration for the Helix DAM instance, select Use custom proxy configuration. Enter a Custom proxy URL or leave the field empty if you do not want to use a proxy.

  8. Click Save.

    The webhook is added. Users can now add Jira links in Helix DAM assets. To learn more, see Work with links on assets.


    If you cannot save the webhook because Helix DAM cannot communicate with the Jira instance, see Troubleshooting Jira integration issues.

Restricting when webhooks run

By default, Helix DAM runs all active webhooks. You can use case-insensitive regular expressions to specify reference and path patterns that restrict when webhooks run.

Reference pattern

To restrict a webhook to only run when a branch or bookmark matches a pattern, specify a Reference pattern.

For example, to run a webhook only when branches named 'main' or 'develop' are updated, use this as the Reference pattern:


To run a webhook only when feature branches are updated and the path is 'tests', use:

  • ^feature as the Reference pattern

  • tests as the Path pattern

Path pattern

To restrict a webhook to only run when a changed path matches a pattern, specify a Path pattern.

For example, to run a webhook only when JavaScript files are changed, leave the Reference pattern empty and use this as the Path pattern: .*\.js$.