Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Helix authentication

Question Answer

If I update a user or group on the Helix Core Server, how long does it take for TeamHub to pick up the change?

By default, TeamHub polls Helix Core Server every 5 minutes for updates. You can configure this interval via an environment variable.

Where can I find a list of all Git related configurables for TeamHub?

A list of environment variables is located in the following location: /opt/hth/.profile_backend

Can a TeamHub user who has different roles in different projects use the same email address?

TeamHub allows one user to have different roles in different projects, but a user can only be linked to a single email address. Vice versa, a single email address can only be linked to one user.

Why can I log into TeamHub as instance admin with two different passwords?

This may happen as the result of an internal TeamHub failsafe to prevent you from locking yourself out of misconfigured instances. You can always log in to a TeamHub instance with the credentials for the default admin user. If you have Helix authentication enabled and a user called admin also exists in Helix Core Server, you can also use the Helix Core Server password to log in to the TeamHub admin portal.

See also Helix DAM administrators.

If I remove a user with admin role in a TeamHub instance from Helix Core Server, this user is still able to log back into TeamHub with all previous admin privileges even though the user no longer exists in Helix Core Server. How do you revoke permissions from a user with an admin role in a TeamHub instance?

This is related to the previous question. In this scenario, the user called admin still exists in the built-in admin portal and gets authenticated because the admin user has a special authentication flow, separate from the normal authentication flow. To remove access to the TeamHub admin portal:

  1. Log in to the admin portal: <TeamHub-instance-URL>/admin/login
  2. In the Admins view, remove the user from the list of existing administrators.

See also Helix DAM administrators.