Setting authentication options

You can configure authentication options to allow different methods for authenticating with Helix ALM products. You can also prevent users from logging in after failed login attempts.

1. Click Server Options.

The Server Options dialog box opens.

2. Select the Authentication category.

3. Select the Authentication Methods to allow.

You must select at least one method. If you clear a method, users can no longer authenticate using it.

Authentication method Allows users to authenticate to Helix ALM applications using: More information
License server Username and password stored in the license server. If all other authentication methods are cleared, this option is automatically selected. Adding users
Active Directory and LDAP Credentials they use to log in to their domain, which are stored in a user record on an Active Directory or LDAP server. This option controls if a new user record can be retrieved to the license server from an Active Directory or LDAP server, or if existing users on the license server can be associated with an Active Directory or LDAP user record. Integrating the license server with Active Directory and LDAP
OpenID Connect and SAML An identity provider that supports OpenID Connect or SAML authentication methods, such as Okta. This option controls if user records on the license server can be associated with an OpenID Connect or SAML provider. Integrating the license server with identity providers
External authentication Credentials from your organization's existing login methods. Requires creating and installing plug-ins and web components. Using external authentication

4. Select Lock user after failed logins to prevent users from logging in to Helix ALM products after the specified number of failed logins.

Select Lock expires after to set the number of hours before the lock is released and the user can log in to other products.

Note:  If a user is locked, an administrator must unlock them on the license server before they can log in. See Unlocking users. Restarting the license server does not release locks, but it resets the number of failed logins to 0.

5. Click OK to save the changes.