Viewing details for folders in baselines

Note:  The following information applies to viewing details for folders in baselines. See Viewing details for requirement documents in baselines for information about viewing document details or Viewing details for items in baselines for information about viewing details for issues, requirements, test cases, and manual test runs.

When you are viewing a baseline, you can view details about a specific folder included in the baseline, including the items in the folder, folder field values, and release planning information when the baseline was added.

Note:  The information you can view and actions you can perform depend on your licensing and security permissions.

1. In the Baselines list, click the baseline number or name. You can also select the baseline, click Actions, and then choose View.

The Viewing Baseline page opens.

2. On the Contents tab, click the folder to view in the Summary column. You can also select the folder and click View.

The folder details page opens. Information is displayed on the List and Details tabs.

Tip:  If you are viewing a child folder, click Open Parent Folder in the top right corner of the page to open the parent folder if it is also in the baseline.

List tab

The List tab displays the items in the folder when the baseline was added.

  • To view details for items in the folder, select one or more items and click View. Fields and other item information at the time the baseline was added are displayed. Click the arrow buttons at the bottom of the page to navigate between the selected items. See Viewing details for items in baselines.
  • To control which items are displayed in the list, change the Display Options.

  • Item Types — Select the item types to display in the list. Click Select All to select all item types. You must select at least one type. If multiple item types are selected, but you only want to display one type, mouse over the type to display and click the Filter icon. All other item types are cleared.
  • Row Spacing — To adjust the spacing of rows in the list, click a row spacing button.
Button Spacing

Details tab

The Details tab displays the folder fields and release planning information, if used for the folder.

Click an area to expand or collapse it. Click the Expand All button to expand all areas or the Collapse All button to collapse expanded areas at the top of the page.

Area Displays:
Fields Field names and values for the folder. See Editing folder details for information about folder fields.
Release Planning Calculated release effort for the folder when baseline was added. Only displayed if the folder has release planning enabled. See Entering release planning information for folders for information about the values.

Tip:  You can search to filter the information displayed. Matches are displayed as you type.