Viewing details for requirement documents in baselines

Note:  The following information applies to viewing details for requirement documents in baselines. See Viewing details for folders in baselines for information about viewing folder details or Viewing details for items in baselines for information about viewing details for issues, requirements, test cases, and manual test runs.

When you are viewing a baseline, you can view details about a specific requirement document included in the baseline. These details include the field values, workflow event information, and other information captured when the baseline was added.

Note:  The information you can view and actions you can perform depend on your licensing and security permissions.

1. In the Baselines list, click the baseline number or name. You can also select the baseline, click Actions, and then choose View.

The Viewing Baseline page opens.

2. On the Contents tab, click the summary for the document to view. You can also select the document and click View.

The document details page opens. Information is displayed on the List and Details tabs.

List tab

The List tab displays the document and requirements in the document in hierarchical order from when the baseline was added. You can view requirement details, such as the field values and workflow event information. To view details for the document, click the Details tab.

To view details for requirements, select one or more requirements and click View. The fields and other information for the item at the time the baseline was added is displayed. Click the arrow buttons at the bottom of the page to navigate between the selected items.

Tip:  Click the Expand All button to expand the entire tree or the Collapse All button to collapse it. You can also search for items in the document. Matches are displayed as you type.

Details tab

The Details tab displays the document information when the baseline was added in separate areas. See Viewing details for items in baselines for information about viewing requirement details. The following areas are displayed when viewing a document in a baseline. An area is only displayed if the item contains information for the area.

Click an area to expand or collapse it. Click the Expand All button to expand all areas or the Collapse All button to collapse expanded areas at the top of the page.

Area Displays:
Fields Field names and values in the item. Includes system and custom fields sorted alphabetically by field name. To narrow the list of fields displayed, select the fields to view in the Specific fields list. Select <All> to view all fields.

If an item is marked as suspect, a View Details link is displayed next to the Is Marked As Suspect field. Click the link to go to the Suspect Reasons area for more information.

If a new custom field is added to the project and a baseline is added with unchanged items since the field was added, the items in the baseline will not include the new field. Calculated custom fields based on the current time are not included in baselines.
Workflow Workflow events and fields added to the item. Click > to expand an event and view the information. To narrow the list of events displayed, select the events to view in the Specific events list. Select <All> to view all events. Select an option in the Sort events from list to sort the events in a different order.

If the event has attachments, you can view or download them. To view a file, click the filename or select the file and click View. If the browser cannot open the file, it is automatically downloaded. You can then open the local copy in the associated application. To download the file, select the file and click Download, or click to download it.
Attachments Files attached to the item. To view a file, click the filename or thumbnail, or select the file and click View. If the browser cannot open the file, it is automatically downloaded. You can then open the local copy in the associated application. To download the file, select the file and click Download, or click to download it.
Source Code Source files and changelists attached to the item. Depending on the source control provider configuration, you may be able to click the file path to open the file in the associated source control viewer.
Email Tracked email sent about the item. Click > to expand an email and view the information. Select an option in the Sort by list to sort the emails in a different order.

If the email has attachments, click them to view or download them. If the browser cannot open the file, it is automatically downloaded. You can then open the local copy in the associated application.
Links Links in the item. Click > to expand a link and view the information. The items linked to the item you are viewing are displayed. To view an item, click the number or summary, or select the item and click View. You can only view linked items included in the baseline.

If a link is broken, an icon is displayed.
Suspect Reasons Source items that caused the item you are viewing to be suspect and details about who marked the item as suspect. See Working with suspect items.If the item was manually marked as suspect, <manually marked as suspect> is displayed instead of the item tag and summary. Click > to expand an item and view the information.

If the item is marked as suspect due to a link relationship and the Links area is visible, click View Link Details to go to the link.
Folders Folders that the item is in. If the folder is also included in the baseline, you can click the folder path to view the folder details.
Jira Issues Jira issues the item is associated with.

Tip:  You can search to filter the information displayed. Matches are displayed as you type.