Viewing build details

You can view details about build, including properties submitted with the build, all test cases in the suite when the build was submitted, and any test cases that were manually associated with the result after the build.

1. Click Automation Suites in the left navigation area.

The Automation Suites list opens.

2. Click the suite name or number. You can also select the suite, click Actions, and choose View.

The suite page opens.

3. Click the Builds tab.

4. Click the build date or number.

The build page opens.

5. Click the Details tab.

The build details are displayed in the following areas:

Area Displays: More information
Details Details about the build, including the number, status, description, branch, start date, and duration. You can also protect or unprotect the build from deletion. Protecting and unprotecting builds from deletion
Properties Properties submitted with the build. Viewing build properties
Test Cases Test cases in the suite when the build was submitted and any test cases that were manually associated with the result after the build. Working with test cases

Note:  Click an area to expand or collapse it. Click the Expand All button to expand all areas or the Collapse All button to collapse expanded areas at the top of the page.

Working with test cases

You can view information about test cases in the suite when the build was submitted and any test cases that were manually associated with the result after the build.

The test case result status displayed is determined is determined using rollup rules. See Test case status rollup rules. The test result status indicated the status of the test after it ran. See Automated test result status.

Tip:  To search for a test case in the list, enter a value in the search field. Matching results are displayed as you type.

  • To view a test case, select it and click View. You can also click the number or summary. See Viewing test cases.
  • To copy the automated test script ID related to a test case to the clipboard so you can paste it into a script, select a test case and click Copy script ID. You can also click next to the script ID. Only available if the automation suite is configured to automatically associate test results with test cases. See Automatically associating automated test results with test cases.

Tip:  You can also select multiple test cases and copy the script ID. The IDs will be comma separated when you paste them.