Generating test cases from automated test results

You can generate test cases from automated test results. For example, you may want to do this if you already use a large number of automated tests, but do not have related test cases in Helix ALM for them.

When you create a test case from a test result, the result is associated with the new test case. Associating automated test results with test cases is essential for viewing traceability between requirements, test cases, test results, and any related issues in Helix ALM.

Note:  It may take several minutes to generate test cases from multiple test results.

1. Select the test results to generate test cases from. You can select test results in:

  • Automation suites – Automated Test Result Status subtab on the Summary tab
  • Builds – Associated Results or All Results tabs

Note:  The test results must be in an active automation suite.

2. Click Actions and choose Generate Test Cases.

The Generate Test Cases from Automated Test Result dialog box opens.

3. If you selected multiple test results, select an option for then number of test cases to generate.

  • Generate a new test case for each selected automated test result adds a new test case for each result. For example, if you select 12 test results, you will add 12 new test cases.
  • Generate one test case only adds one test case for the selected results. For example, if you select 12 test results, you will add one new test case.

4. If you are only generating one test case, enter a Summary for the test case to briefly describe the test.

If you are generating multiple test cases, the test name is used as the test case Summary.

5. Select Add test cases to the parent automation suite to add the new test cases to the automation suite that the selected test results are in.

6. Select Add new test cases to a folder to group them with related items. For example, you may want to add test cases to test case suites or other folders based on functional area or type. You must create the folders before generating test cases. See Adding folders.

7. Click Browse to select a folder. The folder path is displayed after you select a folder.

8. Click Generate.

The test cases are added and the results are associated with it. You can view the association on the Automation tab in the test case and in the automation suite. See Working with automation suites and automated test results information from test cases.

9. Make any changes to the test cases. See Editing test cases.