Using test suites to manage manual tests

Test suites are collections or series of related tests. For example, you may want to group tests based on testing phase, purpose, functional area, or other criteria. Using test suites helps you more easily reuse test cases, keep tests organized, and run tests in the correct order if needed.

In Helix ALM, test suites are types of folders used exclusively for test case management.

  • Test case suites can only contain test cases or other test case suite folders.
  • Manual test run suites can only contain manual test runs or other manual test run suite folders.

See Setting up manual test suites for best practices to follow when setting up test suites.

You can automatically generate a manual test run suite from a test case suite. The manual test run suites contain the same subfolders as the source test case suite. Generated manual test runs are added to the manual test run suite in the same order as the test case suite so tests can be performed in the correct order.

You work with test suites in the Folders list. See Using the Folders list. You can perform many of the same actions on test case and manual test run suite folders as you can on other folder types. See Managing test suites.