Managing users and customers

Helix ALM supports users and customers.

  • Users have access to the project and can perform actions, such as adding or editing items, depending on security permissions and licensing. To work with users, click Users in the Administration area. See Using the Users list.
  • Customers are generally the end-users of your products or services. Customers usually do not have access to the project and are only created for tracking purposes. To work with customers, click Customers in the Administration area. See Using the Customers list.

Users and customers can be global or local.

  • Global users and customers are added to the Helix ALM License Server and can be shared among Helix ALM products. Global users need a username, password, and license, and must be in at least one security group to access a project. To add a global user or customer to Helix ALM, retrieve their record from the license server. See Retrieving global users and customers.
  • Local users and customers are typically created for tracking purposes and do not need a username, password, or license. Local users are created in Helix ALM or when issues are submitted via SoloSubmit, and are only available in the project they are added to.

See Adding users and customers for information about adding users and customers to the project.