Default folder types

Helix ALM includes the following default folder types. You can use these folder types, edit them for your team's use, inactivate them if you might use them later, or delete them. See Editing and deleting folder types and Inactivating folder types.

You can also add new folder types to support your processes. See Adding folder types.

Folder type Use to: Enabled folder options Default task board
Folder Organize and group related items Task boards Default - Folders & Users
Product Organize activities and items related to a product Notes, Web View, task boards Default - Folders & Users
Release Plan and track a release Release Planning, Notes, Web View, task boards Default - Folders & Users
Iteration Plan and track an iteration Release Planning, Notes, Web View, task boards Default - Folders & Users
Backlog Organize and prioritize backlog items Notes, Web View, task boards Default - Folders & Users

Note:  Helix ALM also includes Test Case Suite and Manual Test Run Suite folder types for test case management. See Using test suites to manage manual tests. These folder types cannot be edited, inactivated, or deleted.