Adding users and customers

Add users and customers to give them access to the Helix ALM project. You can create two types of users and customers:

  • Global users and customers are added to the Helix ALM License Server and can be shared among Helix ALM products. Global users need a username, password, and license, and must be in at least one security group to access a project. You can also retrieve existing global users and customers from the license server to add them to the project. See Retrieving global users and customers.
  • Local users and customers are typically created for tracking purposes and do not need a username, password, or license. Local users are created in Helix ALM or when issues are submitted via SoloSubmit, and are only available in the project they are added to.

1. To add a user, choose Create > User. You can also click Add in the Users list window.

To add a customer, choose Create > Customer. You can also click Add in the Customers list window.

The Add User or Add Customer dialog box opens.

2. Enter the user's First name, MI (middle initial), and Last name. You can enter up to 32 characters for the first and last names and up to 8 characters for the middle initial.

Note:  Multiple users can have the same first and last names. Make sure to enter additional contact information to distinguish between these users in Helix ALM applications.

3. Select a User Type.

4. If you are adding a global user or customer, enter a unique Username. You can enter up to 128 characters.

Note:  Users with usernames and passwords longer than 32 characters cannot use Surround SCM or TestTrack 2016.0 and earlier.

5. Enter or select additional information on the following tabs.

Tab Use to:
Info Assign the user or customer to security groups, enter phone numbers and an email address, set a password, and set password options. See Managing user and customer contact information and passwords.
Notify Configure email notifications for the user or customer to notify them about project changes. See Adding user notification rules.
License Assign a license to a global user or customer. Only assign a license to a customer if you want them to be able to log in to Helix ALM. See Assigning licenses to users and customers.
Address Enter the address and enter or select the company, division, and department. If you enter a company, division, or department value, it is saved and can be selected for other users and customers in the project, which can help you group related users. You can enter up to 64 characters. The Division values are based on the selected Company value, and the Department values are based on the selected Division value.

You can also mark customers as a contact for a beta test site to help identify customers to send products to during the beta testing phase in a release.
Notes Enter any notes about the user or customer. You can enter up to 4000 characters.
CPU Enter the computer CPU information. This can help your support department troubleshoot bugs the user or customer reports. Click Capture Config to automatically populate these fields with the current computer's configuration.
Peripherals Enter the computer peripherals information. This can help your support department troubleshoot bugs the user or customer reports.

Note:  You will use the Statistics tab when viewing or editing users or customers, and the History tab when viewing or editing customers. See Viewing users and customers and Editing users and customers.

6. Click Add.

The user or customer is added.