Editing users and customers

Edit users or customers to update contact and other information, change security settings, set up email notifications, and assign licenses. You may also be able to change usernames if the option is enabled on the Helix ALM License Server. See license server help for information.

Note:  If you want to change a local user or customer to global, you must promote them. See Promoting users and customers.

1. To edit a user, select the user on the Users list window and click Edit. You can also choose Edit > Edit.

To edit a customer, select the customer on the Customers list window and click Edit. You can also choose Edit > Edit.

Tip:  To search for a user or customer, click Find. See Searching Users and Customers lists.

The Edit dialog box opens.

2. Make any changes to the information.

Keep the following in mind:

  • Multiple users can have the same first and last names. Make sure to enter additional contact information to distinguish between these users in Helix ALM applications.
  • Users with usernames and passwords longer than 32 characters cannot use Surround SCM or TestTrack 2016.0 and earlier.
  • You cannot edit most information on the Info tab and any information on the Address tab for Active Directory and LDAP users, or users who authenticate using an identity provider. This information is managed on the external server.
  • Users can be in multiple security groups. If any group a user is in gives permission to perform an action through command security or work with fields through field security, then the user has permission.
Tab Displays: More information
Info Security groups the user or customer is in, phone numbers, email address, and password information (global users and customers only). Managing user and customer contact information and passwords
Notify Email notifications configured specifically for the user or customer to notify them about project changes. Adding user notification rules
License (global users and customers only) Helix ALM licenses assigned to the user or customer. Assigning licenses to users and customers
Address Address information for the user or customer.  
Notes Notes and a list of usernames previously associated with the user or customer.  
CPU Computer CPU information for the user or customer. This can help your support department troubleshoot any bugs the user or customer reports.  
Peripherals Computer peripherals information for the user or customer. This can help your support department troubleshoot any bugs the user or customer reports.  
Statistics Statistics about the user or customer's Helix ALM usage, including the last logout and number of issues reported.  
History (customers only) Issues reported by the customer. Double-click an issue to view it.  

3. Click the Next button to edit the next user or customer in the list or the Previous button to edit the previous one. You may be prompted to save any changes.

4. Click OK to save the changes.