Folders list window - Items pane

The Items pane displays the items in a selected folder. Depending on how you want to view information, you can view an items list, folders list, or task board.

From this pane, you can perform actions on items in folders and subfolders. You can also perform some other actions available in other list windows. See Using list windows.

The folder icon, type, and name are displayed in the banner at the top of the folder pane. The banner color and folder icons can be customized for each folder type. See Adding folder types.

Items list

The items list displays items in the selected folder as a list. To view the items list, click the View Item List button.

Task board

The task board displays items in the selected folder as cards, which are grouped in columns that represent high-level project status and swimlanes. See Using task boards.

To view the task board, click the View Task Board button.

Folders list

The folders list displays subfolders in the selected folder as a list. To view the folders list, click the View Folder List button.

Performing actions

The following information applies to the items list and folders list. See Using task boards for information about working with items in task boards.

Note:  Actions you can perform on folders depend on access given in security groups you are in and permissions for specific folders. If you cannot work with a folder, the folder icon is gray. If a folder is locked, a lock icon is displayed on the folder and you cannot perform any actions on it. Items you can view and edit in folders depend on access given in security groups and the item workflow. See Managing access to folders.

  • To customize the columns displayed, you can rearrange columns, adjust column widths, and insert and remove columns. See Changing list window columns and fonts.
  • To display all items in the folder and any child folders, select List recursively.
  • To only display specific item types in the items list, select or clear types in the Show list. Select <All Types> to display all item types. If only one item type is displayed, you can apply a filter. See Applying filters.