Ordering items in manual test suites

You can order items in test case and manual test run suite folders to indicate the order tests should be run. For example, this may be helpful if running tests in a specific order is more efficient or if you have tests that are destructive in some way.

Order is displayed in the Order column in the Folders list window for test case and manual test run suites. Order is also displayed on the Folders tab in the View and Edit Test Case and Manual Test Run dialog boxes.

Note:  You cannot order items in public folders you do not have permission to modify or any locked folders, which are indicated by a lock icon. See Managing access to folders.

1. Select the test case or manual test run suite folder in the Folders list window and click Order.

The Order Items dialog box opens.

2. Select an item and click Move to Top, Move Up, Move Down, or Move to Bottom to change the order. You can also drag and drop items to change the order or double-click the current Order value and edit it.

Note:   Select an item and click View to view it.

3. Click OK to save the order.

The updated item order is displayed in the folder.

Note:  If items are added to the test case or manual test run suite while you are ordering them, they are appended to the end of the list. If you move ordered items to a different folder, the order is maintained in the destination folder. If the destination folder already contains ordered items, the items are appended to the end of the list.