Moving items between folders

You can move items between folders. When you move an item to a new folder, it is removed from the original folder.

Keep the following in mind:

  • You cannot move items directly to the Public or Private folders.
  • You cannot move items to public folders you do not have permission to modify or any locked folders, which are indicated by a lock icon. See Managing access to folders.
  • You can only move test cases to test case suites and manual test runs to manual test run suites. You cannot move other item types to these types of folders.

1. Click the Folders tab when you are viewing or editing an item.

2. Select the folder the item is currently in and click Move to Folder.

The Browse for Folder dialog box opens.

3. Select the folder to move the item to.

4. Click OK to save the changes.

The item is moved to the folder and the updated folder path is displayed.

Tip:  You can drag items from one folder to another in the Folders list window. You can also move items from task boards. See Using task boards.