Setting project options

A Helix ALM project contains all the information you want to track, including issues, requirements, requirement documents, test cases, manual test runs, security groups, users, customers, filters, test configurations, and workbook tasks. After projects are created using the Helix ALM Server Admin Utility, the administrator or another high-level user needs to configure project options to control how Helix ALM works and displays information.

You can set the following project options.

Note:  If item types were renamed, the new name is displayed in the Project Options dialog box.

Options Use to: More information
General Add a project description, enable project access for users with different product licenses, set workflow options, and enable stamps in text fields. Setting general project options
Clients Set the number of times users with different licenses can log in and limit the number of characters displayed in the Overview tab. Setting client project options
Email Enable email sending and tracking for the project and specify the return email address for notifications automatically sent from Helix ALM. Setting email project options
Email—Notifications Select email templates to use for watched item notifications and set options for notifications about closed issues. Setting notification project options
File Attachments Enable thumbnails for image file attachments and select other related options. Setting file attachment project options
Hyperlinks Specify the Helix ALM Web URL so users can open links in Helix ALM Web and enable RSS feeds based on filters. Setting hyperlink project options
Issues Set issue numbering options. Setting issue project options
Issues—Import Mail Set options for importing issues from a dedicated email account. Setting import mail project options
Issues—SoloSubmit Set options for SoloSubmit, a web-based bug reporting application used with Helix ALM issue management. Setting SoloSubmit project options
Test Cases Set test case numbering options. Setting test case project options
Manual Test Runs Set manual test run numbering options and fields for status reporting. Setting manual test run project options
Automated Testing Set options for automatically deleting builds and associated automated test results. Setting automated testing project options
Requirements Set requirement numbering options. Setting requirement project options
Requirement Documents Set requirement document numbering options. Setting requirement document project options
Compliance Set log out options and enter the electronic signature testimony message for all item types. Setting compliance project options
Compliance—Items Set historical logging, audit trail logging, and electronic signature options for each item type. Setting item compliance project options
Compliance—Automated Testing Setting audit trail logging options for unprotecting and manually deleting builds. Setting automated testing compliance project options
Compliance—Baselines Set audit trail logging and electronic signature options for baselines. Setting baseline compliance project options
Compliance—Configuration Set audit trail logging options for project configuration changes. Setting configuration compliance project options
Fields Set date/time fields to use the Helix ALM Server local date/time and specify how values are entered or selected in version fields. Setting field project options
Fields—Required Set the text color and style for required field labels and other required field options. Setting required field project options
Fields—Relationships Specify how to handle invalid selected child field values for each item type. Setting field relationship project options
Time tracking Select the workflow event fields used to calculate actual, estimated, remaining hours, and story points for each item type. Hide the Work Items tab for each item type. Setting time tracking project options
Reports Specify how often to check the Helix ALM Server for new report stylesheets, set time zone options, select the font and output type for diagrams, and select the font for charts. Setting report project options
Dictionary Set the default dictionary to use for the project and add custom words to the dictionary. Setting dictionary project options
Users Select additional information to display in user list fields, display local users and customers in various areas, and specify how to populate user fields in Helix ALM Web. Setting user field options