Setting manual test run project options

You can specify the next manual test run number and fields to use for status reporting.

1. Choose Tools > Administration > Project Options.

The Project Options dialog box opens.

2. Select the Manual Test Runs category.

3. Enter the Next manual test run number to assign to the next manual test run generated in the project. You can enter any value greater than the largest existing manual test run number.

4. Select any Manual Test Run Status Reporting Fields options.

Manual test run status reporting fields, which are retrieved from the project’s manual test runs workflow, are displayed on the Manual Test Runs tab in the Add, Edit, and View Test Case dialog boxes and in reports. These options are used to track the progress of manual test runs generated for a test case.

  • Start time field indicates the date/time field from the workflow to use as the start time value.
  • Due date field indicates the date/time field from the workflow to use as the due date value.

5. Click OK to save the changes.