Setting automated testing project options

You can enable automatic deletion of builds and associated automated test results from the Helix ALM Server and number of days after a build is added to Helix ALM until it is deleted. This can be helpful if you use the Helix ALM Test Management Jenkins plugin and have a large amount of test data stored in Helix ALM that is no longer needed after a period of time.

Only unprotected builds that do not contain any automated test results linked to other items can be automatically deleted.

You can also manually delete unprotected builds in the Helix ALM web client. See Manually deleting builds in the web client documentation.

1. Choose Tools > Administration > Project Options.

The Project Options dialog box opens.

2. Select the Automated Testing category.

3. To enable automatic deletion, select Delete unprotected builds and automated test results after X days and enter or select the number of days before a build is deleted. You can enter 7 to 365 days.

4. Click OK to save the changes.