Adding workflow events

Add events to represent the work that team members perform on items. Events typically move items from one state to another in a workflow. For example, issues may have Assign and Fix events. Events can also be for informational purposes and not change an item's state.

Adding an event to an item may open an event dialog box where users can enter information about work completed, work another team member should complete, or additional information about the item. All event information is tracked on the item Workflow tab. See Viewing workflow event history.

1. Choose Tools > Administration > Workflow.

The Configure Workflow dialog box opens.

2. Select an Item type.

3. Click the Events tab.

4. Click Add.

The Add Event dialog box opens.

5. On the Details tab, enter a Name and Description. The name is displayed in the Workflow menu.

6. Select Informational event to use the event for information only. Informational events cannot change item workflow states or assignments, so users can enter informational events on items in any state. For example, you may have a Comment event to allow users to enter comments on an issue.

7. Select the Resulting state the item moves to after the event is entered.

Select multiple states if you want the user to select a resulting state in the event dialog box. For example, if you want users to select a state for a Fix event, you can select Fixed, Closed, and Closed (Fixed). When users enter Fix events, they must select a resulting state.

8. Select an Assignments option to specify how the event affects the current assignment on items.

  • Event results in a new assignment adds a field to the event dialog box so users can assign items to other users when entering this event.
    • Select Allow multiple user assignments to allow assigning items to multiple users.
    • To limit the users initially displayed in the assignment field (e.g., Assign To field) in the event dialog box to only specific users, select Users or Users in security groups. Limiting the users in assignment fields makes it easier to find users to assign items to without looking through a large list. For example, if the event is for assigning fixed issues to the QA team for verification, limiting the users in the assignment fields to only the QA security group reduces the number of users in the field and can help ensure that issues get assigned to the appropriate team members. The Event results in a new assignment option must be selected to limit users in assignment fields. Selecting these options does not restrict the users that a items can be assigned to. Users can search for other users to assign items to in the assignment field. The Event results in a new assignment option must be selected to limit users in assignment fields.
      • Users limits the users initially displayed in the field to users you select. You can select users and customers who are active and in a security group with the Include users in pop-up menus or Include customers in pop-up menus option selected.
      • Users in security groups limits the users initially displayed in the field to security groups you select. You can only select groups with permission to add the event.
  • Event does not affect the current assignment does not change the assignment.
  • Event clears the current assignment removes the current assignment so the item is not assigned.

9. Select Display time tracking field using to display a built-in time tracking field in the event dialog box.

You may want to select this option if items can have multiple instances of the same event so you can choose how to calculate the total hours. See Configuring time tracking.

  • Sum of hours from all events of this type uses the total hours entered in the time tracking field for all instances of the event for an item. For example, select this option for the Fix event to report the total time spent fixing issues.
  • Hours from last entered event of this type uses only the hours from the last instance of the event for an item. For example, select this option for the Estimate event to report the most recent estimate entered.

Tip:   The field is named Hours, but you can rename it on the Fields tab. See Modifying default fields in workflow event dialog boxes.

10.  Select any additional options.

  • Files can be attached to this event allows users to attach files on the Attachments tab in the event dialog box.
  • Include event notes with the release notes adds any entered event notes to the release notes. This option only applies to issue events.
  • Electronic signatures are required when adding or editing this event requires electronic signatures when the event is added or changed. This option is only available if Enable detailed audit trail logging is enabled and Electronic signatures are required is disabled in the Compliance project options. See Setting item compliance project options.
  • Do not show the dialog box when entering this event prevents the event dialog box from opening. This option can only be selected if an event is not informational, has one resulting state, does not allow assignments, and does not use the built-in time tracking field.
  • Make event visible in review mode displays the event in documents open in review mode. This option only applies to requirements and requirement documents.
  • Include option to mark dependent items as suspect adds the option to mark dependent items as suspect in the event dialog box. See Marking all dependent items as suspect.

11. Click the Custom tab to configure custom fields for the event dialog box or add an icon for the event to the Workflow Events toolbar. See Customizing workflow event fields and icons.

12. Click the Fields tab to rename the default event dialog box fields and modify other field information. See Modifying default fields in workflow event dialog boxes.

13. Click OK to add the event.