Customizing workflow event fields and icons

You can add custom fields to workflow event dialog boxes to capture additional information when users enter events on items. These fields are displayed on the Custom Fields tab in event dialog boxes.

You can also add an icon for the event, which is displayed in the Helix ALM Client.

1. Click the Custom tab when you are adding or editing an event. See Adding workflow events and Editing workflow events.

Note:  To change default event fields, click the Fields tab. See Modifying default fields in workflow event dialog boxes.

2. Click Custom Fields to add a new custom field or edit an existing field for the event. See Configuring custom fields.

You can add up to 100 custom fields per event.

3. Select Add a custom icon to the Helix ALM Client events toolbar and click Choose Icon to add an icon for the event.

Icons are displayed in the Workflow Events toolbar, Workflow menu, and Overview tab in the Helix ALM Client. If you do not select an event icon, only the event name is displayed. Click Remove to remove the icon.

Icons are available in the workflowicons directory in the Helix ALM application directory (server installations only) or you can use custom icons. Icons must be 16x16 pixels in BMP, GIF, or PNG format. The pixel at 0,0 in the image is used for the transparency color.

Note:  If this option is cleared, the event is not displayed in the Workflow Events toolbar.

4. Click OK to save the changes.