Viewing workflow event history

You can view where items are in the workflow, assignments, and any notes or additional information users entered.

1. Click the Workflow tab when you are viewing or editing an item.

Events added to the item are displayed. Select Show System Comments to display events entered by Helix ALM when automation rules ran.

2. Select an event to view notes entered about the event when it was added.

3. Select an event and choose Edit > View Event to view additional event details. See Viewing workflow event details.

4. Click Work Items to view events with time tracking information, including the estimated, actual, and remaining work for the item. See Viewing work item history.

5. Click Diagram to view a diagram of the states the item was previously in, the events used to move the item between states, and next available states for the item. See Viewing item workflow history diagrams.

6. Click OK when you finish.

Note:  Depending on security permissions, you may also be able to modify event details or delete events when editing items. See Editing and deleting workflow events on items.