Rogue Wave Views
Gadgets Package API Reference Guide
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tree.h File Reference
#include <ilviews/gadgets/scgadget.h>
#include <ilviews/gadgets/itemgdt.h>


class  IlvDefaultTreeGadgetLFHandler
 Object look-and-feel class. More...
class  IlvTreeGadget
 Gadget class. More...
class  IlvTreeGadgetItem
 Gadget Item class. More...
class  IlvTreeGadgetItemHolder
 Item holder class. More...
class  IlvTreeGadgetLFHandler
 Object Look-and-Feel class. More...


typedef int(* IlvTreeGadgetItemCompareFunction) (const IlvTreeGadgetItem *itm1, const IlvTreeGadgetItem *itm2)


enum  IlvTreeSelectionMode { IlvTreeExtendedSelection, IlvTreeSingleSelection }
 This enumeration defines the various selection modes of an IlvTreeGadget object. More...

Detailed Description

Library: ilvadvgdt
Declaration of the IlvTreeGadget and related classes

Typedef Documentation

§ IlvTreeGadgetItemCompareFunction


Defines the type of the function used by the sorting algorithm of the IlvTreeGadgetItemHolder class.

See also

Enumeration Type Documentation

§ IlvTreeSelectionMode

This enumeration defines the various selection modes of an IlvTreeGadget object.

See also

You can select several items simultaneously and extend the selection by pressing the Shift and Control keys while clicking the items to select with the mouse.


You can select only one item at a time.

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