Server Tutorial
This manual provides you with the information you need to get started with Server, a C++ class library for building active object servers.
This manual is divided as follows:
Introducing Server gives you an overview of the key concepts the Server library is based on.
Server Overview explains in a general way what active object servers are and briefly presents the three service levels Server offers to create object servers.
Modeling Services, offers an overview of the modeling services provided with Server.
Introducing Dynamic View Services, describes how notification and view services work and presents the outstanding features of dynamic view services.
Tutorial: Building a Server Application is a step-by-step tutorial which demonstrates how to create a typical Server application using dynamic view services and, specifically, the Views-based GUI builder, Server Studio.
Introducing the Example, contains a brief description of the Network object model as implemented by the Network object server and provides a list of the application files together with their location and contents.
Running the swcomp Demonstration, is a quick guided tour of the Network demonstration. This tour shows you how to run and use the predefined Views application component.
Designing the Server Object Model , gives you step-by-step instructions on how to design a server object model using the C++ API, make your object model accessible at runtime, and compile and execute an object server.
Using Dynamic Modeling Services , gives you step-by-step instructions on how to design a server object model using a basic CASE tool and the dynamic modeling capabilities of Server.
Defining Dynamic Views Using Server Studio, teaches you how to define dynamic views on your server object model using the Server Studio environment.
Implementing a Java Component explains how to build a Java client application based on Java Swing data sources in the Jbuilder environment.
Glossary: Most of the terms used in this manual are defined in the glossary at the end of this manual.