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IlvCoordinate Class Reference

An IlvCoordinate object is a point defined by two values in double precision. More...

#include <ilviews/maps/coord.h>

Public Member Functions

 IlvCoordinate (IlDouble x=0.0, IlDouble y=0.0)
 This constructor initializes a new instance of IlvCoordinate. More...
IlBoolean isCloseTo (const IlvCoordinate &other, IlDouble tolerance=0.0) const
 Checks if two coordinates are close. More...
IlDouble lat () const
 Returns the latitude value. More...
void lat (IlDouble lat)
 Sets the latitude value. More...
IlDouble lon () const
 Returns the longitude value. More...
void lon (IlDouble lon)
 Sets the longitude value. More...
void move (IlDouble x, IlDouble y)
 This member function takes existing coordinates and moves them to another position. More...
IlvCoordinateoperator= (const IlvCoordinate &c)=default
 Assignment operator. More...
int operator== (const IlvCoordinate &c) const
 Equality operator. More...
IlBoolean toDD (IlString &output) const
 Converts this object into a DD-formatted string. More...
IlBoolean toDMS (IlString &output) const
 Converts this object into a DMS-formatted string. More...
IlBoolean toMGRS (IlString &output, const IlvEllipsoid *ellipsoid=0) const
 Converts this object into an MGRS string representation. More...
IlBoolean toMGRS (IlUShort &zoneNumber, char &zoneDesignator, IlString &squareId, IlUInt &easting, IlUInt &northing, const IlvEllipsoid *ellipsoid=0) const
 Converts this object into MGRS values. More...
IlBoolean toUTM (IlString &output, const IlvEllipsoid *ellipsoid=0) const
 Converts this object into an UTM/UPS string representation. More...
IlBoolean toUTM (IlUShort &zoneNumber, char &zoneDesignator, IlDouble &easting, IlDouble &northing, const IlvEllipsoid *ellipsoid=0) const
 Converts this object into UTM/UPS values. More...
void translate (const IlvCoordinate &dc)
 Translates an IlvCoordinate. More...
void translate (IlDouble dx, IlDouble dy)
 Translates an IlvCoordinate. More...
IlDouble x () const
 Returns the x value. More...
void x (IlDouble x)
 Sets the x value. More...
IlDouble y () const
 Returns the y value. More...
void y (IlDouble y)
 Sets the y value. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static IlBoolean FromDD (const IlString &input, IlvCoordinate &output)
 Converts a DD-formatted string into an IlvCoordinate object. More...
static IlBoolean FromDMS (const IlString &input, IlvCoordinate &output)
 Converts a DMS-formatted string into an IlvCoordinate object. More...
static IlBoolean FromMGRS (const IlString &input, IlvCoordinate &output, const IlvEllipsoid *ellipsoid=0)
 Converts a UTM/UPS-formatted string into an IlvCoordinate object. More...
static IlBoolean FromMGRS (IlUShort zoneNumber, char zoneDesignator, const IlString &squareId, IlUInt easting, IlUInt northing, IlvCoordinate &output, const int precision, const IlvEllipsoid *ellipsoid=0)
 Converts MGRS coordinates into an IlvCoordinate object. More...
static IlBoolean FromUTM (const IlString &input, IlvCoordinate &output, const IlvEllipsoid *ellipsoid=0)
 Converts a UTM/UPS-formatted string into an IlvCoordinate object. More...
static IlBoolean FromUTM (IlUShort zoneNumber, char zoneDesignator, IlDouble easting, IlDouble northing, IlvCoordinate &output, const IlvEllipsoid *ellipsoid=0)
 Converts UTM/UPS coordinates into an IlvCoordinate object. More...

Detailed Description

An IlvCoordinate object is a point defined by two values in double precision.

Library: ilvmaps

An IlvCoordinate object is a point defined by two values in double precision. The class IlvCoordinate is the basic data structure for computing projections.

The x and y values designate either the Cartesian coordinates resulting from a forward projection or the latitude (in y) and the longitude (in x) obtained by inverse computation.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ IlvCoordinate()

IlvCoordinate::IlvCoordinate ( IlDouble  x = 0.0,
IlDouble  y = 0.0 

This constructor initializes a new instance of IlvCoordinate.

xThe initial x value.
yThe initial y value.

Member Function Documentation

◆ FromDD()

static IlBoolean IlvCoordinate::FromDD ( const IlString input,
IlvCoordinate output 

Converts a DD-formatted string into an IlvCoordinate object.

The input string must represent two floating point values: one for the latitude angle and one for the longitude. They can be separated by a comma character.

Each value can be expressed in degrees (if followed by the °, d or D character) or in radians (if followed by the r or R character). If not specified, degrees are expected.

Each value can be followed by the northing (N, n, S or s) or easting (E, e, W or w) indication. The S, s, W or w indication changes the sign of the value it applies to. By default, the first value is considered as a North-pointing angle and the second value is considered as a East-pointing angle.
The two values must not have both a northing indicator, or both an easting indicator: if one has a northing indicator, then the other must have an easting information (or nothing, then e is presumed), and vice versa.

Space characters and additional characters are discarded.

Examples of valid input:

10 20
10, 20
10N 20E
20E 10N
10N -20W
48.866667n, 2.333333e
22.970722S -0.7536743r

Examples of invalid input:

10x 20E
48.866667n 2.333333n
inputThe string to be parsed.
outputSet to the parsed coordinates on success.
IlTrue if the parsing was successful and IlFalse otherwise.
See also

◆ FromDMS()

static IlBoolean IlvCoordinate::FromDMS ( const IlString input,
IlvCoordinate output 

Converts a DMS-formatted string into an IlvCoordinate object.

The input string must represent two angle values: one for the latitude angle and one for the longitude. They can be separated by a comma character.

Each value represents a value expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds, made of a value for the degrees part (followed by the °, d or D character) followed by the minutes part (followed by the ', m or M character), followed by the seconds part (followed by the ", s or S character). Any of these part may be omitted.

Each value can be followed by the northing (N, n, S or s) or easting (E, e, W or w) indication. The S, s, W or w indication changes the sign of the value it applies to. By default, the first value is considered as a North-pointing angle and the second value is considered as a East-pointing angle.
The two values must not have both a northing indicator, or both an easting indicator: if one has a northing indicator, then the other must have an easting information (or nothing, then e is presumed), and vice versa.

Space characters and additional characters are discarded.

Examples of valid input:

10D 20D
12D34'56.78sN 12'W
inputThe string to be parsed.
outputSet to the parsed coordinates on success.
IlTrue if the parsing was successful and IlFalse otherwise.
See also

◆ FromMGRS() [1/2]

static IlBoolean IlvCoordinate::FromMGRS ( const IlString input,
IlvCoordinate output,
const IlvEllipsoid ellipsoid = 0 

Converts a UTM/UPS-formatted string into an IlvCoordinate object.

The input string must represent a valid UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) / UPS (Universal Polar Stereographic) value:

[<zoneNb>]<zoneDesignator> <MGRSsquareId> <easting>[mE] <northing>[mN]
  • <zoneNb> is the UTM zone number: an integer value between 1 and
    1. If omitted, this indicates a polar area, handled by the UPS projection (that is, a latitude below -80° or above 84°).
  • <zoneDesignator> is the UTM zone designator: a letter that indicates the latitude band (or an UPS quadrant, when the latitude is beyond the UTM valid values).
  • <MGRSsquareId> is the MGRS square identifier.
  • <easting> is the easting planar coordinate value in the indicated zone, in meters.
  • <northing> is the northing planar coordinate value in the indicated zone, in meters.

Space characters and additional characters are discarded.

Examples of valid input:

31 U DQ 48265 11920
inputThe MGRS coordinates string to be parsed.
outputSet to the parsed coordinates on success.
ellipsoidThe ellipsoid to be used for the conversion. If omitted or set to 0 then IlvEllipsoid::WGS84() is used.
IlTrue if the parsing was successful and IlFalse otherwise.
See also
FromMGRS(IlUShort, char, const IlString&, IlUInt, IlUInt, IlvCoordinate&, const IlvEllipsoid*), toMGRS(IlString&, const IlvEllipsoid*).

◆ FromMGRS() [2/2]

static IlBoolean IlvCoordinate::FromMGRS ( IlUShort  zoneNumber,
char  zoneDesignator,
const IlString squareId,
IlUInt  easting,
IlUInt  northing,
IlvCoordinate output,
const int  precision,
const IlvEllipsoid ellipsoid = 0 

Converts MGRS coordinates into an IlvCoordinate object.

zoneNumberThe input UTM zone number (between 1 and 60) or 0 indicating an UPS coordinate (below -80° latitude or above 84°).
zoneDesignatorThe UTM zone designator character. Note that A, B, Y and Z indicate polar areas, using the UPS conversion.
squareIdThe MGRS square identifier.
eastingThe input value for easting in the MGRS square, in meters.
northingThe input value for northing in the MGRS square, in meters.
outputSet to the parsed coordinates on success.
precision.How many MGRS precision digits are there [2:5]. This is used in result validation.
ellipsoidThe ellipsoid to be used for the conversion. If omitted or set to 0 then IlvEllipsoid::WGS84() is used.
IlTrue if the parsing was successful and IlFalse otherwise.
See also
toMGRS(IlUShort&, char&, IlString&, IlUInt&, IlUInt&, const IlvEllipsoid*), FromMGRS(const IlString&, IlvCoordinate&, const IlvEllipsoid*).

◆ FromUTM() [1/2]

static IlBoolean IlvCoordinate::FromUTM ( const IlString input,
IlvCoordinate output,
const IlvEllipsoid ellipsoid = 0 

Converts a UTM/UPS-formatted string into an IlvCoordinate object.

The input string must represent a valid UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) / UPS (Universal Polar Stereographic) value:

[<zoneNb>]<zoneDesignator> <easting>[mE] <northing>[mN]
  • <zoneNb> is the UTM zone number: an integer value between 1 and
    1. If omitted, this indicates a polar area, handled by the UPS projection (that is, a latitude below -80° or above 84°).
  • <zoneDesignator> is the UTM zone designator: a letter that indicates the latitude band (or an UPS quadrant, when the latitude is beyond the UTM valid values).
  • <easting> is the easting planar coordinate value in the indicated zone, in meters.
  • <northing> is the northing planar coordinate value in the indicated zone, in meters.

Space characters and additional characters are discarded.

Examples of valid input:

31U 448265 5411920
23 K 687394.89mE 7465628.95mN
Z 2057475mE 1785497mN
inputThe UTM/UPS coordinates string
outputSet to the parsed coordinates on success.
ellipsoidThe ellipsoid to be used for the conversion. If omitted or set to 0 then IlvEllipsoid::WGS84() is used.
IlTrue if the parsing was successful and IlFalse otherwise.
See also
FromUTM(IlUShort, char, IlDouble, IlDouble, IlvCoordinate&, const IlvEllipsoid*), toUTM(IlString&, const IlvEllipsoid*).

◆ FromUTM() [2/2]

static IlBoolean IlvCoordinate::FromUTM ( IlUShort  zoneNumber,
char  zoneDesignator,
IlDouble  easting,
IlDouble  northing,
IlvCoordinate output,
const IlvEllipsoid ellipsoid = 0 

Converts UTM/UPS coordinates into an IlvCoordinate object.

zoneNumberThe input UTM zone number (between 1 and 60) or 0 indicating an UPS coordinate (below -80° latitude or above 84°).
zoneDesignatorThe UTM zone designator character. Note that A, B, Y and Z indicate polar areas, using the UPS conversion.
eastingThe input value for easting, in meters.
northingThe input value for northing, in meters.
outputSet to the parsed coordinates on success.
ellipsoidThe ellipsoid to be used for the conversion. If omitted or set to 0 then IlvEllipsoid::WGS84() is used.
IlTrue if the parsing was successful and IlFalse otherwise.
See also
toUTM(IlUShort&, char&, IlDouble&, IlDouble&, const IlvEllipsoid*) const, FromUTM(const IlString&, IlvCoordinate&, const IlvEllipsoid*).

◆ isCloseTo()

IlBoolean IlvCoordinate::isCloseTo ( const IlvCoordinate other,
IlDouble  tolerance = 0.0 
) const

Checks if two coordinates are close.

otherThe coordinates to compare to.
toleranceThe tolerance value.
IlTrue if the distance between the x and y values of the current coordinates and the one of the coordinates other are less than the value specified by the parameter tolerance.

◆ lat() [1/2]

IlDouble IlvCoordinate::lat ( ) const

Returns the latitude value.

This is a synonym for the y value.

The latitude value, in radians.
See also

◆ lat() [2/2]

void IlvCoordinate::lat ( IlDouble  lat)

Sets the latitude value.

This is a synonym for the y value.

latThe new latitude value, in radians.
See also

◆ lon() [1/2]

IlDouble IlvCoordinate::lon ( ) const

Returns the longitude value.

This is a synonym for the x value.

The longitude value, in radians.
See also

◆ lon() [2/2]

void IlvCoordinate::lon ( IlDouble  lon)

Sets the longitude value.

This is a synonym for the x value.

lonThe new longitude value, in radians.
See also

◆ move()

void IlvCoordinate::move ( IlDouble  x,
IlDouble  y 

This member function takes existing coordinates and moves them to another position.

xThe new x value.
yThe new y value.

◆ operator=()

IlvCoordinate& IlvCoordinate::operator= ( const IlvCoordinate c)

Assignment operator.

cThe coordinates that are copied to the current object.
This object, updated with the new coordinates.

◆ operator==()

int IlvCoordinate::operator== ( const IlvCoordinate c) const

Equality operator.

This member function tests whether two coordinates are equal. Because a strict comparison of floating values may not be significant, you can also use the function isCloseTo().

cThe coordinates to compare to.
0 if c is different than the current object.

◆ toDD()

IlBoolean IlvCoordinate::toDD ( IlString output) const

Converts this object into a DD-formatted string.

The ouput is the latitude value, in degrees (in the range [-180, 180)), followed by a comma sign, followed by the longitude value, in degrees (in the range [-90, 90]).

outputSet to the string representation of this object.
IlTrue if the conversion was successful and IlFalse otherwise.
See also
FromDD(const IlString&, IlvCoordinate&).

◆ toDMS()

IlBoolean IlvCoordinate::toDMS ( IlString output) const

Converts this object into a DMS-formatted string.

The ouput is the latitude value followed by the longitude value, both expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds.

outputSet to the DMS string representation of this object.
IlTrue if the conversion was successful and IlFalse otherwise.
See also
FromDMS(const IlString&, IlvCoordinate&).

◆ toMGRS() [1/2]

IlBoolean IlvCoordinate::toMGRS ( IlString output,
const IlvEllipsoid ellipsoid = 0 
) const

Converts this object into an MGRS string representation.

outputSet to the MGRS string representation of this object.
ellipsoidThe ellipsoid to be used for the conversion. If omitted or set to 0 then IlvEllipsoid::WGS84() is used.
IlTrue if the conversion was successful and IlFalse otherwise.
See also
FromMGRS(const IlString&, IlvCoordinate&, const IlvEllipsoid*), toMGRS(IlUShort&, char&, IlString&, IlUInt&, IlUInt&, const IlvEllipsoid*) const.

◆ toMGRS() [2/2]

IlBoolean IlvCoordinate::toMGRS ( IlUShort zoneNumber,
char &  zoneDesignator,
IlString squareId,
IlUInt easting,
IlUInt northing,
const IlvEllipsoid ellipsoid = 0 
) const

Converts this object into MGRS values.

zoneNumberSet to the UTM zone number (between 1 and 60) or 0 indicating an UPS coordinate (below -80° latitude or above 84°).
zoneDesignatorSet to the UTM zone designator character. Note that A, B, Y and Z indicate polar areas, using the UPS conversion.
squareIdSet to the MGRS square identifier.
eastingSet to the easting value, in meters.
northingSet to the northing value, in meters.
ellipsoidThe ellipsoid to be used for the conversion. If omitted or set to 0 then IlvEllipsoid::WGS84() is used.
IlTrue if the conversion was successful and IlFalse otherwise.
See also
FromMGRS(IlUShort, char, const IlString&, IlUInt, IlUInt, IlvCoordinate&, const IlvEllipsoid*), toMGRS(IlString&, const IlvEllipsoid*) const.

◆ toUTM() [1/2]

IlBoolean IlvCoordinate::toUTM ( IlString output,
const IlvEllipsoid ellipsoid = 0 
) const

Converts this object into an UTM/UPS string representation.

outputSet to the UTM/UPS string representation of this object.
ellipsoidThe ellipsoid to be used for the conversion. If omitted or set to 0 then IlvEllipsoid::WGS84() is used.
IlTrue if the conversion was successful and IlFalse otherwise.
See also
FromUTM(const IlString&, IlvCoordinate&, const IlvEllipsoid*), toUTM(IlUShort&, char&, IlDouble&, IlDouble&, const IlvEllipsoid*) const.

◆ toUTM() [2/2]

IlBoolean IlvCoordinate::toUTM ( IlUShort zoneNumber,
char &  zoneDesignator,
IlDouble easting,
IlDouble northing,
const IlvEllipsoid ellipsoid = 0 
) const

Converts this object into UTM/UPS values.

zoneNumberSet to the UTM zone number (between 1 and 60) or 0 indicating an UPS coordinate (below -80° latitude or above 84°).
zoneDesignatorSet to the UTM zone designator character. Note that A, B, Y and Z indicate polar areas, using the UPS conversion.
eastingSet to the easting value, in meters.
northingSet to the northing value, in meters.
ellipsoidThe ellipsoid to be used for the conversion. If omitted or set to 0 then IlvEllipsoid::WGS84() is used.
IlTrue if the conversion was successful and IlFalse otherwise.
See also
FromUTM(IlUShort, char, IlDouble, IlDouble, IlvCoordinate&, const IlvEllipsoid*), toUTM(IlString&, const IlvEllipsoid*) const.

◆ translate() [1/2]

void IlvCoordinate::translate ( const IlvCoordinate dc)

Translates an IlvCoordinate.

This member function shifts existing coordinates to another location by means of a delta-distance approach. This member function performs the same operation as translate(IlDouble dx, IlDouble dy), except that instead of specifying a distance by means of x and y values, the translation is taken from the dc parameter.

dcThe translation values to apply to this object.

◆ translate() [2/2]

void IlvCoordinate::translate ( IlDouble  dx,
IlDouble  dy 

Translates an IlvCoordinate.

This member function shifts existing coordinates to another location by means of a delta-distance approach. The dx and dy values represent the distance between the current position of the coordinates and the target position.

dxThe x translation.
dyThe y translation.

◆ x() [1/2]

IlDouble IlvCoordinate::x ( ) const

Returns the x value.

The x value.
See also

◆ x() [2/2]

void IlvCoordinate::x ( IlDouble  x)

Sets the x value.

xThe new x value.
See also

◆ y() [1/2]

IlDouble IlvCoordinate::y ( ) const

Returns the y value.

The y value.
See also

◆ y() [2/2]

void IlvCoordinate::y ( IlDouble  y)

Sets the y value.

yThe new y value.
See also
IlDouble x() const
Returns the x value.
Definition: coord.h:79