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▼CIlvAbstractProtoLibrary | Abstract base class of prototype libraries |
CIlvProtoLibrary | Simple prototype library implementation based on file system directories |
▼CIlvAccessor | Base class of all dynamic accessors |
CIlvGroupAccessor | Grouping accessors to change or query all the nodes of a group in one pass |
▼CIlvMultipleAccessor | Accessor allowing handling several values at the same time |
CIlvMultipleGroupAccessor | Combines the features of IlvGroupAccessor and IlvMultipleAccessor |
▼CIlvUserAccessor | Base class for persistent behaviors |
▼CIlvAbstractEventAccessor | Abstract class handling event behaviors, usually mouse or keyboard events |
CIlvEventAccessor | Handling events behavior (usually mouse or keyboard events) |
CIlvRotationAccessor | Behavior to set the rotation angle of a graphic object |
CIlvSlideXAccessor | Translate a node horizontally |
CIlvSlideYAccessor | Translates a node horizontally |
▼CIlvAnimationAccessor | Base class of user accessor classes used for animating objects |
CIlvBlinkAccessor | Makes objects blink by switching their visible value back and forth |
CIlvInvertAccessor | Animation accessor used to make objects blink by alternating two of their attributes |
CIlvRotateAccessor | Makes groups or group nodes repeatedly rotate around a given center |
CIlvCallbackAccessor | Allows user actions that trigger a callback to, in turn, set an attribute |
CIlvCompositeAccessor | Assign the current attribute value to multiple other attributes or subattributes |
CIlvConditionAccessor | Modifies an attribute depending on a condition |
CIlvCounterAccessor | Defines a counter |
CIlvDebugAccessor | Prints a trace each time it is queried or changed |
CIlvFillAccessor | Polygon filling behavior |
CIlvFormatAccessor | Format a float value into a string |
CIlvGroupUserAccessor | References all the subattributes of a group that have the same name |
CIlvJavaScriptAccessor | User accessor whose behavior is implemented by a script |
▼CIlvLoopbackAccessor | Watch attribute behavior |
CIlvExportOutputAccessor | Combination of IlvExportAccessor and IlvOutputAccessor |
CIlvMinMaxAccessor | Modifies an attribute with respect to numerical bounds |
CIlvMultipleUserAccessor | Base class for accessors that represent several attributes |
CIlvMultiRepAccessor | Switch between different representations |
CIlvNodeAccessor | Reference to another attribute or subattribute of an IlvGroup object |
CIlvOutputAccessor | Notifying behavior |
CIlvPrototypeAccessor | Delegates a full behavior to a prototype |
CIlvSwitchAccessor | Implements a switch statement |
CIlvToggleAccessor | Switch a Boolean attribute back and forth between IlTrue and IlFalse |
CIlvTriggerAccessor | Assign a value to another attribute or subattribute of the accessor holder |
CIlvValueAccessor | Stores the values of an attribute |
CIlvZoomXAccessor | Behavior to set the X scaling factor of a graphic object |
CIlvZoomYAccessor | Behavior to set the Y scaling factor of a graphic object |
CIlvAccessorDescriptor | Accessor description |
CIlvAccessorParameter | Provides information for a single parameter of an IlvUserAccessor |
▼CIlvGroupFile | Base class for handling input/output of groups |
CIlvGroupInputFile | Main class for reading groups from a stream. It provides contextual information |
CIlvGroupOutputFile | Main class for writing groups to a stream |
▼CIlvInteractor [external] | |
CIlvProtoGraphicInteractor | Interactor propagating events into graphic objects held by a protographic |
▼CIlvStylable [external] | |
▼CIlvSimpleGraphic [external] | |
▼CIlvGroupGraphic | Graphic object encapsulating an IlvGroup |
CIlvProtoGraphic | Encapsulates an IlvGroup into a regular IlvGraphic |
CIlvValueArray | Array of IlvValue objects |
▼CIlvValueInterface [external] | |
▼CIlvAccessible | Abstract class providing queryValue() , changeValue() , conversion, and introspection methods |
▼CIlvAccessorHolder | Owns a list of objects of the class IlvAccessor class |
▼CIlvGroup | Base class to hold graphic objects together and assign behaviors to them |
CIlvProtoInstance | Clone of a prototype |
CIlvPrototype | Clonable group |
▼CIlvGroupMediator | Mediator between a 'Business Graphic Object' and its corresponding object in the application |
CIlvProtoMediator | Self-instantiating link between a 'Business Graphic Object' and its corresponding object in the application |
▼CIlvGroupNode | Base class for objects held in a group |
CIlvGraphicNode | Group node encapsulating a graphic object |
CIlvSubGroupNode | Group node handling a subgroup |
▼CIlvGraphic [external] | |
CIlvSimpleGraphic [external] | |
▼CIlvNamedProperty [external] | |
CIlvGroupHolder | Abstract base class for containers and managerscode /code>s |