Maps Package API Reference Guide
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CIlvCADRGCoverageStores information about a CADRG coverage as described in a CADRG table of contents
 CIlvCADRGFrameThis class defines a CADRG frame as described in the CADRG table of contents
 CIlvCADRGTocReaderThis class reads the table of contents of a CADRG file
 CIlvCoordinateAn IlvCoordinate object is a point defined by two values in double precision
 CIlvEllipsoidThis class defines an ellipsoid
 CIlvFeatureAttributeThis class is the base class for the attributes of the map features
 CIlvFeatureAttributeInfoThis class is used to store the names and types of map attributes
 CIlvFeatureRendererSubclasses of this abstract class are used to translate an IlvMapFeature into a graphic object
 CIlvGeoTIFFTilerA GeoTIFF file tiler
 CIlvHorizontalDatumThis abstract class is the base class for classes describing a horizontal datum
 CIlvHorizontalDatumConverterThe abstract class for all datum converters
 CIlvHorizontalDatumConverterFactoryAn abstract class providing services to select the appropriate converter between two datums
 CIlvI8211FieldThis class corresponds to a field from the ISO 8211 definition
 CIlvI8211RecordThis class corresponds to a record from the ISO 8211 definition
 CIlvI8211RefCountThis class is used to manage the objects which are shared by several other objects
 CIlvIndexedSet [external]
 CIlvLayerVisibilityFilter [external]
 CIlvMapAdapterDefines the Coordinate Adapter class
 CIlvMapAttributeInfoStore the names and types of map attributes
 CIlvMapColorModelThis class allows mapping from integer values to RGB colors
 CIlvMapDataPathManagerThis class is a data path manager that uses a set of IlvMapDataPathResolvers to resolve paths
 CIlvMapDataPathResolverThis abstract class defines a path resolver
 CIlvMapFeatureThis class represents a simple map feature, that is, an object with a geometry that can be rendered graphically and, optionally, a list of attributes
 CIlvMapFeatureIdThis abstract class represents a map feature identifier
 CIlvMapFeatureIteratorThis class is the base class for feature iterators
 CIlvMapGeometryThis abstract class is the base class of the map geometry objects
 CIlvMapInfoThe IlvMapInfo class is used to attach map information to an IlvManager
 CIlvMapInfoListenerThis abstract class is the listener class for receiving notifications about map information changes
 CIlvMapInputThis class defines an input stream with extended reading capabilities
 CIlvMapLoaderA convenience class to load map files into an IlvManager
 CIlvMapRenderingStyleThis abstract class is the base class of the rendering styles
 CIlvMapsLicenseManagerDeprecated This class provides services to check whether the license for the Rogue Wave Views Maps add-on is available, or to register a license
 CIlvObjectSDOKeyExtractorThis class extracts keys used as feature IDs
 CIlvObjectSDOUtilUtility class for basic tasks on Oracle SDO Object Model (Oracle Spatial)
 CIlvObjectSDOWriterWrites features to an Oracle Spatial layer, using the object model
 CIlvProjectionParent class of all projections in the library
 CIlvProjectionClassInfoThis class provides run-time information about the IlvProjectionClass and its subclasses
 CIlvProjectionDictionaryProvides facilities to get the list of the implemented projections and to create projection instances by their names
 CIlvS57AssocIdThis class enables you to use long identifiers stored as 64 bits
 CIlvS57EnumerationArrayThis class is used to store a set of S57 enumeration objects
 CIlvS57ReaderThis class is used to read an S57 file or an S57 catalog file
 CIlvSDODbmsFactoryAn interface used to implement factories for DbLink IldDbms connections
 CIlvSDOUtilUtility class for basic tasks on Oracle SDO relational Model
 CIlvSDOWriterThis class can write the content of an IlvMapFeatureIterator to an Oracle SDO layer
 CIlvShapeDBFReaderThis class reads attributes from .dbf files
 CIlvShapeFileIndexThis class allows applications to take advantage of ESRI Shapefile index files (.shx files).
 CIlvShapeFileTilerA Shapefile tiler
 CIlvShapeSpatialIndexAn IlvShapeSpatialIndex is used to store and retrieve tile information for a given Shapefile
 CIlvStylable [external]
 CIlvTileThis class represents the elementary element used by the load-on-demand process
 CIlvTileCacheManages the cached tiles of one or more tile controllers
 CIlvTileControllerThis class manages the load-on-demand process
 CIlvTileListenerUsed to be notified of the tile events (tile loaded, tile released, tile cached, and so on)
 CIlvTileLoaderThis abstract class is used to load a tile for an IlvTileController or an IlvTiledLayer
 CIlvUnitConverterThis class provides facilities to convert Cartesian data to various measurement units
 CIlvValueInterface [external]