Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- c -
- CheckLayerExistence()
: IlvObjectSDOUtil
, IlvSDOUtil
- CheckMetadataTableExistence()
: IlvObjectSDOUtil
- CheckSdoExistence()
: IlvSDOUtil
- CheckTableExistence()
: IlvObjectSDOUtil
- ClassError()
: IlvMaps
- ClassInfo()
: IlvMapFeatureIterator
, IlvMapGeometry
, IlvProjection
- ClassInfoRef()
: IlvMapFeatureIterator
, IlvProjection
- close()
: IlvObjectSDOWriter
, IlvShapeFileTiler
- ColumnNotFoundError()
: IlvObjectSDOKeyExtractor
- contains()
: IlvMapArea
, IlvMapCircularRing
, IlvMapImage
, IlvMapMultiArea
, IlvMapPolygon
, IlvMapRaster
, IlvMapRing
, IlvMapSegmentRing
- controllerDeleted()
: IlvDefaultTileCache
, IlvTileCache
, IlvTileListener
, IlvTileLoader
- convert()
: IlvHorizontalDatumConverter
, IlvMolodenskyConverter
- copy()
: IlvAttributeArray
, IlvBooleanAttribute
, IlvDoubleAttribute
, IlvEllipsoid
, IlvFeatureAttribute
, IlvFeatureAttributeInfo
, IlvFeatureAttributeProperty
, IlvFeatureRenderer
, IlvFrenchLambertProjection
, IlvHorizontalDatum
, IlvHorizontalShiftDatum
, IlvIntegerAttribute
, IlvIntervalColorModel
, IlvMapAdapter
, IlvMapArcSegment
, IlvMapArcString
, IlvMapArea
, IlvMapCircle
, IlvMapCircularRing
, IlvMapColorModel
, IlvMapCurve
, IlvMapCurveString
, IlvMapFeature
, IlvMapFeatureDoubleId
, IlvMapFeatureId
, IlvMapFeatureIntegerId
, IlvMapFeatureStringId
, IlvMapGeometry
, IlvMapGeometryCollection
, IlvMapImage
, IlvMapLinearSegment
, IlvMapLineString
, IlvMapMultiArea
, IlvMapMultiCurve
, IlvMapMultiPoint
, IlvMapPoint
, IlvMapPolygon
, IlvMapRaster
, IlvMapRenderingStyle
, IlvMapRing
, IlvMapSegment
, IlvMapSegmentRing
, IlvMapSegmentString
, IlvMapText
, IlvProjection
, IlvStringAttribute
, IlvUnitConverter
, IlvUnknownProjection
- count()
: IlvS57EnumerationArray
- CPM()
: IlvEllipsoid
- createASphere()
: IlvEllipsoid
- CreateBitmap()
: IlvMaps
- CreateError()
: IlvMaps
- createGSphere()
: IlvEllipsoid
- createHSphere()
: IlvEllipsoid
- createMapLineString()
: IlvS57Loader
- createMapMultiPoint()
: IlvS57Loader
- createMapPolygon()
: IlvS57Loader
- createProjection()
: IlvProjectionDictionary
- CreateShapeSpatialIndex()
: IlvShapeFileTiler
- createSphereOfSameArea()
: IlvEllipsoid
- createSphereOfSameVolume()
: IlvEllipsoid
- IlvCADRGFrameReader()
: IlvCADRGFrameReader
- IlvCADRGLayer()
: IlvCADRGLayer
- IlvCADRGTocReader()
: IlvCADRGTocReader
- IlvCassiniProjection()
: IlvCassiniProjection
- IlvConicProjection()
: IlvConicProjection
- IlvCoordinate()
: IlvCoordinate
- IlvCylindricalEqualAreaProjection()
: IlvCylindricalEqualAreaProjection