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manager.h File Reference
#include <ilviews/manager/macros.h>
#include <ilviews/util/proplist.h>
#include <ilviews/base/view.h>
#include <ilviews/base/smartptr.h>
#include <ilviews/base/command.h>
#include <ilviews/base/iostream.h>
#include <ilviews/base/graphic.h>
#include <ilviews/graphics/objprop.h>
#include <ilviews/graphics/select.h>
#include <ilviews/manager/indexgr.h>
#include <ilviews/manager/mgrview.h>
#include <ilviews/manager/hook.h>
#include <ilviews/manager/event.h>
#include <ilviews/manager/applylst.h>


class  IlvManager
 Manager class. More...
class  IlvManagerObjectInteractor
 Manager interactor class. More...


typedef void(* IlvApplyFunction) (IlAny arg)
typedef IlvDrawSelection *(* IlvMakeSelection) (IlvManager *manager, IlvGraphic *object)


enum  IlvReDrawMode { IlvReDrawAll, IlvReDrawObjects }
 Type for the different modes available in a manager to redraw its objects. More...


IlBoolean IlvGetContentsChangedUpdate ()
 Indicates the behavior of IlvManager::contentsChanged() when the content of a manager is modified. More...
void IlvSetContentsChangedUpdate (IlBoolean value)
 Sets the flag controlling the behavior of IlvManager::contentsChanged() when the content of a manager is modified. More...

Detailed Description

Library: ilvmgr
Declaration of types and classes used by IlvManager class.

Typedef Documentation

◆ IlvApplyFunction


Type for user functions used in IlvManager::applyTo...()

Defines the prototype of user functions called by some of the IlvManager::applyTo...() member functions.

IlvApplyFunction is meant for user functions that do not need a pointer to the graphic objects (unlike IlvApplyObject).

◆ IlvMakeSelection


Type for the function used to create a selection object in a manager.

Defines the prototype of a function called by a manager when a graphic object is selected. Using the IlvManager::setMakeSelection() member function, the user can provide the manager with its own function, allowing to create different kind of selection objects.

managerThe manager.
objectThe graphic object being selected.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ IlvReDrawMode

Type for the different modes available in a manager to redraw its objects.

The redraw mode determines the way the manager redraws objects after a call to a method modifying one or several objects, such as IlvManager::applyToObjects() or changeValues()().


Indicates that all the graphic objects of the manager intersecting the region enclosing the modified objects are redrawn.


Indicates that only modified graphic objects must be redrawn.

Function Documentation

◆ IlvGetContentsChangedUpdate()

IlvGetContentsChangedUpdate ( )

Indicates the behavior of IlvManager::contentsChanged() when the content of a manager is modified.

This is an extern "C" function.
IlTrue if the mechanism calling IlvManagerViewHook::contentsChanged() is on (default behavior), and IlFalse if it is off.
See also

◆ IlvSetContentsChangedUpdate()

IlvSetContentsChangedUpdate ( IlBoolean  value)

Sets the flag controlling the behavior of IlvManager::contentsChanged() when the content of a manager is modified.

When the content of a manager is modified (for instance when graphic objects are moved, resized, added, or removed), IlvManager::contentsChanged() gets called and its default behavior is to call IlvManagerViewHook::contentsChanged() on all hooks installed on the manager views. There are occasions when this mechanism is unnecessary or expensive in terms of performance. For instance when populating a manager with a large number of graphic objects, it might be preferable to suspend this mechanism, add the objects and notify the manager hooks just once and for all. Rogue Wave Views has a global flag controlling the behavior of IlvManager::contentsChanged() and allowing you to suspend or activate the mechanism notifying the manager view hooks. The same flag is used by all managers.

A typical use is:

if (mustUpdate) {
// Modify the manager here
// ... and when it is done ...
if (mustUpdate) {
valueIlTrue to turn the mechanism on, and IlFalse to turn it off.
This is an extern "C" function.
See also
int IlBoolean
IlBoolean IlvGetContentsChangedUpdate()
Indicates the behavior of IlvManager::contentsChanged() when the content of a manager is modified.
void IlvSetContentsChangedUpdate(IlBoolean value)
Sets the flag controlling the behavior of IlvManager::contentsChanged() when the content of a manager...