| IlvComboBox (IlvDisplay *display, const IlvPoint &point, const char *label, const char *const *labels=0, IlUShort count=0, IlUShort thickness=IlvDefaultGadgetThickness, IlvPalette *palette=0) |
| Initializes a new IlvComboBox instance. More...
| IlvComboBox (IlvDisplay *display, const IlvRect &rect, const char *label, const char *const *labels=0, IlUShort count=0, IlUShort thickness=IlvDefaultGadgetThickness, IlvPalette *palette=0) |
| Initializes a new IlvComboBox instance. More...
virtual IlvGadgetItem * | createItem (const char *, IlvGraphic *=0, IlvBitmap *=0, IlvBitmap *=0, IlBoolean=IlTrue) const |
| Returns a new gadget item. More...
virtual void | empty () |
| Empties the list. More...
virtual const IlvPalette * | getNormalTextPalette () const |
| Returns the default palette used to draw an item. More...
virtual const IlvPalette * | getOpaquePalette () const |
| Returns the opaque palette used to draw opaque items. More...
const char * | getSelection () const |
| Returns the string displayed in the combo box. More...
IlvPopupMenu * | getSubMenu () const |
| Returns a pointer to the pop-up menu attached to the combo box. More...
virtual IlBoolean | isListVisible () const |
| Indicates whether the list of items of the combo box is visible. More...
void | itemsBBox (IlvRect &labelRect, IlvRect &arrowRect, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const |
| The bounding boxes of the main two components of the combo box. More...
virtual void | labelChanged () |
| Is called by the interactor whenever the label of the text field changes. More...
virtual void | setItems (IlvGadgetItem *const *, IlUShort) |
| Replaces the entire list of items. More...
virtual void | setLabel (const char *, IlBoolean=IlFalse) |
| Sets the label of the text field. More...
void | setSelected (IlUShort i, IlBoolean redraw=IlTrue) |
| Sets the selected item in the combo box. More...
IlShort | whichSelected () const |
| Returns the index of the selected item. More...
| IlvTextField (IlvDisplay *display, const char *label, const IlvRect &rect, IlUShort thickness=IlvDefaultGadgetThickness, IlvPalette *palette=0) |
| Constructor. More...
| IlvTextField (IlvDisplay *display, const IlvPoint &point, const char *label, IlUShort thickness=IlvDefaultGadgetThickness, IlvPalette *palette=0) |
| Constructor. More...
void | addChangeCallback (IlSymbol *callbackName) |
| Adds a named Label Changed callback. More...
void | addChangeCallback (IlSymbol *callbackName, IlAny arg) |
| Adds a named Label Changed callback. More...
void | addChangeCallback (IlvGraphicCallback callback) |
| Adds a Label Changed callback. More...
void | addChangeCallback (IlvGraphicCallback callback, IlAny arg) |
| Adds a Label Changed callback. More...
virtual const char * | check (IlUShort character) |
| Is called by the interactor for each key down event that corresponds to a regular character. More...
void | ensureVisible (IlShort position, const IlvTransformer *t=0) |
| Ensures that the character located at the specified position is visible. More...
IlvPosition | getAlignment () const |
| Returns the alignment of the text field. More...
IlvGraphicCallback | getChangeCallback () const |
| Returns a pointer to the first unnamed callback in the Label Changed callback list. More...
IlSymbol * | getChangeCallbackName () const |
| Returns the name of the first named callback in the Label Changed callback list. More...
IlBoolean | getChangeFocusOnValidation () const |
| Indicates whether the text field moves the keyboard focus to the next gadget once validated. More...
IlShort | getCursorPosition () const |
| Returns the cursor position. More...
IlShort | getEndSelection () const |
| Returns the index of the last selected character. More...
IlFloat | getFloatValue () const |
| Converts the text field contents to a floating point value and returns the result of the conversion. More...
IlInt | getIntValue () const |
| Converts the text field contents to an integer and returns the result of the conversion. More...
const char * | getLabel () const |
| Returns the label displayed by the text field. More...
IlShort | getMaxChar () const |
| Returns the maximum number of characters that the user can type in the text field. More...
virtual const char * | getMessage () const |
| Returns the message displayed by this text field. More...
IlShort | getStartSelection () const |
| Returns the index of the first selected character. More...
IlShort | getTextPosition () const |
| Returns the index of the first visible character of the text field. More...
virtual IlBoolean | handleControl (IlUShort character) |
| Is called by the interactor to handle control keys. More...
IlBoolean | isCursorShown () const |
| Indicates whether the cursor is visible. More...
IlBoolean | isEditable () const |
| Indicates whether the text field can be edited. More...
IlShort | pointToPosition (const IlvPoint &point, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const |
| Returns the index of the character located at the specified point. More...
virtual void | removeSelection () |
| Removes the selected label from the text field. More...
void | setAlignment (IlvPosition alignment) |
| Sets the alignment of the text field. More...
void | setChangeCallback (IlSymbol *callbackName) |
| Sets a named Label Changed callback. More...
void | setChangeCallback (IlSymbol *callbackName, IlAny arg) |
| Sets a named Label Changed callback. More...
void | setChangeCallback (IlvGraphicCallback callback) |
| Sets a Label Changed callback. More...
void | setChangeCallback (IlvGraphicCallback callback, IlAny arg) |
| Sets a Label Changed callback. More...
void | setChangeFocusOnValidation (IlBoolean value) |
| Specifies whether the text field should move the keyboard focus to the next gadget once validated. More...
void | setCursorPosition (IlShort position) |
| Sets the cursor position. More...
void | setEditable (IlBoolean value) |
| Specifies whether the text field can be edited. More...
void | setEndSelection (IlShort position) |
| Sets the index of the last selected character. More...
void | setMaxChar (IlShort count) |
| Sets the maximum number of characters that the user can type in the text field. More...
void | setSelection (IlShort start, IlShort end) |
| Selects a portion of the text field content. More...
void | setStartSelection (IlShort position) |
| Sets the index of the first selected character. More...
void | setTextPosition (IlShort position) |
| Sets the index of the first visible character of the text field. More...
void | setValue (IlFloat value, const char *format=0, IlBoolean redraw=IlFalse) |
| Sets the text field label to a floating-point value. More...
void | setValue (IlInt value, IlBoolean redraw=IlFalse) |
| Sets the text field label to an integer value. More...
void | showCursor (IlBoolean value, IlBoolean redraw=IlFalse) |
| Specifies whether the cursor should be visible. More...
virtual void | validate () |
| Is called by the interactor when the user presses the Return or the Enter key. More...
virtual void | addLabel (const char *label, IlAny data=0) |
| Adds an item with a label to the holder list. More...
virtual IlvGadgetItem * | applyToItems (IlvApplyGadgetItem, IlAny) |
| Applies the specified function to all the items of the holder. More...
virtual int | compareItems (const char *string1, const char *string2, IlAny value1, IlAny value2) |
| Compares a pair of items. More...
virtual void | deSelectAll () |
| Deselects all the items. More...
IlUShort | getCardinal () const |
| Returns the number of items stored in this holder. More...
IlShort | getFirstSelectedItem () const |
| Returns the index of the first selected item. More...
IlShort | getIndex (const IlvGadgetItem *item, IlUShort start=0, IlUShort stop=(IlUShort) -1) const |
| Returns the index of the specified item in the holder list. More...
IlvGadgetItem * | getItem (IlUShort index) const |
| Returns an item from its position in the holder. More...
IlAny | getItemData (IlUShort index) const |
| Returns an item user data. More...
IlvGadgetItem *const * | getItems (IlUShort &count) const |
| Returns the array of all the items. More...
const char * | getLabel (IlUShort index) const |
| Returns the indicated label of the list. More...
const char *const * | getLabels (IlUShort &count) const |
| Returns an array of all the items labels. More...
IlShort | getPosition (const char *label, IlUShort start=0) const |
| Returns the position of an item using its label. More...
IlUShort const * | getSelectionIndices (IlUShort &count) const |
| Returns an array containing the indexes of the selected item. More...
const char *const * | getSelections (IlUShort &count) const |
| Returns an array of the selected items. More...
IlAny const * | getUserDataArray (IlUShort &count) const |
| Returns an array of all the user data for the items. More...
IlUShort | insertBitmap (IlvBitmap *bitmap, IlShort pos=-1) |
| Inserts an item with a bitmap at the given position in the holder list. More...
IlUShort | insertGraphic (IlvGraphic *graphic, IlShort pos=-1) |
| Inserts an item with a graphic as picture at a given position in the holder list. More...
IlUShort | insertItem (IlvGadgetItem *item, IlShort index=-1) |
| Inserts an item at a given position in the holder's list. More...
virtual void | insertLabel (IlUShort pos, const char *label, IlAny data=0) |
| Inserts an item with a label at a given position in the holder list. More...
IlBoolean | isSelected (IlUShort index) const |
| Specifies whether the item whose position is specified is selected. More...
void | removeItem (IlUShort index, IlBoolean destroy=IlTrue) |
| Removes an item from the holder. More...
void | removeLabel (IlUShort index) |
| Removes and destroys an item. More...
void | setItemData (IlUShort index, IlAny itemData) |
| Sets an item user data. More...
void | setLabel (IlUShort index, const char *label, IlBoolean copy) |
| Modifies the label of an item. More...
virtual void | setLabels (const char *const *labels, IlAny const *itemData, IlUShort count, IlBoolean copy=IlTrue) |
| Replaces the entire list of items. More...
virtual void | setLabels (const char *const *labels, IlUShort count, IlBoolean copy=IlTrue) |
| Replaces the entire list of items. More...
virtual void | sort (IlvListCompareFunction func=0) |
| Sorts the items. More...
virtual void | drawGadgetItem (const IlvGadgetItem *item, IlvPort *port, const IlvRect &rect, const IlvTransformer *t=0, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const |
| Draws a specific gadget item. More...
IlvGadgetItem * | getCallbackItem () const |
| Returns the item that triggered a callback. More...
IlvGadgetItem * | getDragDropTarget () const |
| Returns the target item of a drag-and-drop operation. More...
IlvGraphic * | getDraggedImage () const |
| Returns the graphic object used to draw the ghost image during a drag-and-drop operation. More...
IlvGadgetItem * | getDraggedItem () const |
| Returns the item that is being dragged during a drag-and-drop operation. More...
IlvGadgetItem * | getEditedItem () const |
| Returns the item that is being edited. More...
virtual const IlvPalette * | getHighlightTextPalette () const |
| Returns the highlight palette used to draw the label of highlighted items. More...
virtual IlvGadgetItem * | getItemByName (const char *name) const |
| Returns the item whose name is specified. More...
IlvGadgetItem * | getToolTipItem () const |
| Returns the item that is displaying a tooltip. More...
virtual void | initReDrawItems () |
| Begins a redraw session. More...
virtual void | recomputeAllItems () |
| Recomputes the size of all the items managed by the holder. More...
virtual void | reDrawItems () |
| Ends a redraw session. More...
void | setDragDropTarget (IlvGadgetItem *item) |
| Sets the target item of a drag-and-drop operation. More...
void | setDraggedImage (IlvGraphic *graphic) |
| Sets the graphic object used to draw the ghost image during a drag-and-drop operation. More...
void | setDraggedItem (IlvGadgetItem *item) |
| Sets the dragged item. More...