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IlvRegion Member List

This is the complete list of members for IlvRegion, including all inherited members.

add(const IlvRect &rect)IlvRegion
add(const IlvRegion &region)IlvRegion
apply(const IlvTransformer *t)IlvRegion
boundingBox() constIlvRegion
computeDifference(const IlvRect &rect1, const IlvRect &rect2)IlvRegion
contains(const IlvPoint &point) constIlvRegion
contains(const IlvRect &rect) constIlvRegion
copy() constIlvRegion
getCardinal() constIlvRegion
getRect(IlUShort idx) constIlvRegion
grow(IlvPos dw, IlvPos dh)IlvRegion
IlvRegion(const IlvRect &rect)IlvRegion
IlvRegion(const IlvRegion &)IlvRegion
intersection(const IlvRect &rect)IlvRegion
intersection(const IlvRegion &region)IlvRegion
intersects(const IlvRect &rect) constIlvRegion
intersects(const IlvRegion &region) constIlvRegion
inverse(const IlvTransformer *t)IlvRegion
isEmpty() constIlvRegion
isFull() constIlvRegion
operator=(const IlvRegion &region)IlvRegion
subtract(const IlvRect &rect)IlvRegion
translate(IlvPos x, IlvPos y)IlvRegion