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This is the complete list of members for IlvLuminanceToAlphaFilter, including all inherited members.
apply(IlUInt count=0, const IlvBitmapData **inputs=0) | IlvColorMatrixFilter | virtual |
applyUnary(const IlvBitmapData *data) | IlvBitmapFilter | |
applyValue(const IlvValue &value) | IlvValueInterface | virtual |
changeValue(const IlvValue &val) | IlvValueInterface | virtual |
changeValues(const IlvValue *values, IlUShort count=0) | IlvValueInterface | virtual |
Create(const char *classname, IlBoolean forceLoad=IlTrue) | IlvBitmapFilter | static |
getAccessors(const IlSymbol *const **names, const IlvValueTypeClass *const **types, IlUInt &count) const | IlvValueInterface | virtual |
getClassName() const | IlvBitmapFilter | virtual |
getHeight() const | IlvBitmapFilter | |
getInputs(IlUInt &count) const | IlvBitmapFilter | |
getName() const | IlvBitmapFilter | virtual |
getRefCount() const | IlvBitmapFilter | |
GetRegisteredFilters(IlUInt &num) | IlvBitmapFilter | static |
getResult() const | IlvBitmapFilter | |
getValues(IlUInt &count) const | IlvColorMatrixFilter | |
getWidth() const | IlvBitmapFilter | |
getX() const | IlvBitmapFilter | |
getY() const | IlvBitmapFilter | |
IlvBitmapFilter() | IlvBitmapFilter | |
IlvColorMatrixFilter(const IlFloat *values=0) | IlvColorMatrixFilter | |
IlvLuminanceToAlphaFilter() | IlvLuminanceToAlphaFilter | |
lock() | IlvBitmapFilter | virtual |
queryValue(IlvValue &val) const | IlvValueInterface | virtual |
queryValues(IlvValue *values, IlUShort count) const | IlvValueInterface | virtual |
setHeight(IlUInt height) | IlvBitmapFilter | |
setInputs(IlUInt count, const char *const *name) | IlvBitmapFilter | |
setName(const char *id) | IlvBitmapFilter | |
setResult(const char *name) | IlvBitmapFilter | |
setValues(const IlFloat *values) | IlvColorMatrixFilter | |
setValues(IlFloat a00, IlFloat a01, IlFloat a02, IlFloat a03, IlFloat a04, IlFloat a10, IlFloat a11, IlFloat a12, IlFloat a13, IlFloat a14, IlFloat a20, IlFloat a21, IlFloat a22, IlFloat a23, IlFloat a24, IlFloat a30, IlFloat a31, IlFloat a32, IlFloat a33, IlFloat a34) | IlvColorMatrixFilter | |
setWidth(IlUInt width) | IlvBitmapFilter | |
setX(IlInt x) | IlvBitmapFilter | |
setY(IlInt y) | IlvBitmapFilter | |
unLock() | IlvBitmapFilter | virtual |
~IlvBitmapFilter() | IlvBitmapFilter | virtual |
~IlvColorMatrixFilter() | IlvColorMatrixFilter |