The Editing Modes Toolbar
The editing modes available for your use depend on the type of buffer you are editing. You will see different icons in displayed in the toolbar for each of the buffers available with the Gadgets extension.
Gadgets Buffer Editing Modes
The Editing Modes toolbar appears as follows when the Gadgets buffer is the active window in the workspace.
Gadgets Buffer Editing Modes Toolbar
The Editing Modes toolbar of the Gadgets buffer contains the following icons:
Selection Mode  Use the Selection mode for selecting, creating, deleting, moving, resizing and performing other common editing operations. This mode is selected when Views Studio is launched.
PolySelection Mode  Use this mode to move or rotate the different points of your IlvPolyline, IlvPolygon, IlvSpline, IlvFilledSpline, and IlvClosedSpline objects. To complete the operation, double-click the workspace or select another mode.
Label Mode  Use this mode to create and edit an IlvLabel object. After selecting this interactor, click the workspace to indicate the label position and type the string you want. Press Enter to complete the operation.
To edit an existing IlvLabel object, select this mode and click the IlvLabel object you want to edit.
Label List Mode  Use this mode to create and edit a multiline label (IlvListLabel) object. After selecting this interactor, click the workspace to indicate the label position and type the string you want. You can go to a new line by pressing Enter. Double-click the workspace (outside this object) to complete the operation.
To edit an existing IlvListLabel, select this mode and click the IlvListLabel you want to edit.
Rotate Mode  Use this mode to rotate an object in the buffer window. First, select the object you want to rotate in the buffer window. Click the Rotate Mode icon in the Editing Modes toolbar. Then click the left mouse button in the buffer window. An arrow appears in the buffer window. Drag the mouse to indicate the angle of rotation. When you release the mouse button, the object will rotate the specified amount.
Active Mode  Use the Active mode to test the behavior of your objects and edit some of their properties. In the Active mode, the objects in the workspace can respond to mouse and keyboard events. You can thus change text field labels, toggle the state of a toggle button, and so on.
Focus Mode  Use this mode to specify the path of the keyboard focus in your panel. See Setting the Keyboard Focus in Panels.
Attachments Mode  Use this mode to set how the position and dimensions of the objects in the panel change when the panel is resized. See Using the Attachments Mode.
Menu Mode  Use this mode to attach pop-up menus to menu bars or other pop-up menus. See Attaching Pop-up Menus to the Menu Bar.
Matrix Mode  Use this mode to change the matrix items that appear in a matrix gadget. See Using Matrices.
Spin Box Mode  Use this mode to specify the items that appear in a spin box object. See Editing Spin Boxes.
Application Buffer Editing Modes
The Editing Modes toolbar appears as follows when the Application buffer is the active window in the workspace.
Application Buffer Editing Modes Toolbar
The Editing Modes toolbar of the Gadgets buffer contains the following icons:
Generate  Use this mode to generate the application and modified panels.
Graphics Buffer Editing Modes
When you use a Graphics buffer, you have access to the same editing modes that you use with the Foundation Studio.
Graphics Buffer Editing Modes Toolbar
These editing modes are described in Chapter 3, “The Views Studio Interface,” of the Views Studio User’s Manual.
Published date: 05/24/2022
Last modified date: 02/24/2022