Views User Guides > Gantt > Gantt Chart Functionalities > High Level Gantt Chart Classes
High Level Gantt Chart Classes
The Gantt package of Views provides two high level UI classes to present scheduling data. Before writing any code, you need to choose the one that best fits your needs. The first class is IlvGanttChart, which has a user interface shown in The User Interface of IlvGanttChart. The second class is IlvGanttChartForm, shown in The User Interface of IlvGanttChartForm.
The User Interface of IlvGanttChart
The User Interface of IlvGanttChartForm
IlvGanttChartForm is a subclass of IlvGanttChart. Most of their functionalities are common or similar. The main differences between the two classes consist in how they manage scales and resources:
*IlvGanttChart can only use IlvRectangularScale as scales, whereas IlvGanttChartForm can use any IlvGraphic object as scales. See the example in <ILVHOME>/samples/gantt/calendar to see how to use IlvCalendarScale as scales of IlvGanttChartForm.
*IlvGanttChart can only show resources in one column, whereas IlvGanttChartForm can display resources in a table-like manner. IlvGanttChartForm has an IlvGanttResourceHeader object that you can use to resize the columns.
*The width of the resource views are fixed in IlvGanttChart, whereas it can be changed in IlvGanttChartForm by moving the first horizontal splitter. You should also notice that IlvGanttChart uses a move handle to resize views while IlvGanttChartForm uses vertical and horizontal splitters.
Therefore, if you need to show your resources in a multi-column manner or you need more sophisticated scales, the IlvGanttChartForm class is the best choice.
Published date: 05/24/2022
Last modified date: 02/24/2022