The topics are:
Script Objects
Objects are values which do not contain any predefined properties or methods (except the toString method), but where new ones can be added. A new, empty object can be created using the Object constructor. For example, the following program creates a new object, stores it in the variable myCar, and adds the properties "name" and "year" to it:
myCar = new Object() // o contains no properties
myCar.name = "Ford"
myCar.year = 1985
myCar.name −> "Ford"
myCar.year −> 1985
Defining Methods
Since a method is really a property which contains a function value, defining a method simply consists in defining a regular function, then assigning it to a property.
For example, the following program adds a method "start" to the myCar object defined in Script Objects:
function start_engine() {
writeln("vroom vroom\n")
myCar.start = start_engine
Now, the expression myCar.start() will call the function defined as start_engine. Note that the only reason for using a different name for the function and for the method is to avoid confusion; we could have written:
function start() {
writeln("vroom vroom\n")
myCar.start = start
The this Keyword
Inside methods, the this keyword can be used to reference the calling object. For example, the following program defines a method getName, which returns the value of the name property of the calling object, and adds this method to myCar:
function get_name() {
return this.name
myCar.getName = get_name
Inside constructors, this references the object created by the constructor. When used in a non-method context, this returns a reference on the global object. The global object contains variables declared at toplevel, and built-in functions and constructors.
Object Constructor
Objects are created using the following constructor:
Script Object Constructor
new Object( )
Returns a new object with no properties.
User-defined Constructors
In addition to the Object constructor, any user-defined function can be used as an object constructor, using the following syntax:
Script User-defined Constructor
new function(arg1, ..., argn)
Creates a new object, then calls function(arg1, ..., argn) to initialize it.
Inside the constructor, the keyword this can be used to make reference to the object being initialized.
For example, the following program defines a constructor for cars:
function Car(name, year) {
this.name = name
this.year = year
this.start = start_engine
Now, calling
new Car("Ford", "1985")
creates a new object with the properties name and year, and a start method.
Built-in Methods
The only object built-in method is:
Script Built-in Method
object.toString( )
Returns the string "[object Object]". This method can be overridden by assigning the toString property of an object.
Published date: 05/24/2022
Last modified date: 02/24/2022