The following table summarizes the limitations and unsupported features of the use of Cairo through Views:
Cairo Limitations with Views
Cairo rendering in Views only applies on bitmaps and thus only on views drawn by double-buffering.
To ensure Views uses Cairo rendering, set double-buffering to ’on’ in the IlvManager or IlvContainer holding the object to be drawn by Cairo.
Note: For some use cases, setting double-buffering does not force the use of Cairo rendering.
Cairo rendering is not supported in Views.
Drawing text
Views uses Cairo to draw geometric shapes, but not text. For drawing text, Views uses Xft.
To draw alpha-blended or anti-aliased text, see Text anti-aliasing and scalable fonts with Xft on X Windows.
Draw Mode
Cairo does not support any other mode than IlvModeSet.
Published date: 05/24/2022
Last modified date: 02/24/2022