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CIlvAddLinkCommand | Grapher command class |
CIlvAddNodeCommand | Grapher command class |
CIlvArcLinkImage | Implementation of links drawn as an arc |
CIlvDoubleLinkImage | Implementation of links drawn with 3 orthogonal segments |
CIlvDoubleSplineLinkImage | Implementation of links drawn with a spline defined by 3 orthogonal segments |
CIlvGenericPin | Predefined IlvGrapherPin subclass |
CIlvGrapher | Grapher class |
CIlvGrapherPin | Grapher pins management class |
CIlvGraphInputFile | Grapher input handling |
CIlvGraphNodeSelection | Selection objects for grapher nodes |
CIlvGraphOutputFile | Grapher output handling |
CIlvGraphSelectInteractor | Grapher interactor for selecting and manipulating graphic objects |
CIlvLinkConnectionMessage | Message class used when the extremities of a grapher link change |
CIlvLinkHandle | Generic class to specify any graphic object as a grapher link |
CIlvLinkImage | Base class for grapher links |
CIlvLinkInteractor | Base class for interactors used to edit grapher links |
CIlvLinkLabel | Grapher link annotated with a label |
CIlvMakeDoubleLinkImageInteractor | Predefined grapher interactor to create IlvDoubleLinkImage instances |
CIlvMakeDoubleSplineLinkImageInteractor | Predefined grapher interactor to create IlvDoubleSplineLinkImage instances |
CIlvMakeLabelLinkImageInteractor | Predefined grapher interactor to create IlvLinkLabel instances |
CIlvMakeLinkImageInteractor | Predefined grapher interactor to create IlvLinkImage instances |
CIlvMakeLinkInteractor | Grapher interactor to create links |
CIlvMakeLinkInteractorFactory | Factory to create links |
CIlvMakeNodeInteractor | Grapher interactor to create nodes |
CIlvMakeNodeInteractorFactory | Factory to create nodes |
CIlvMakeOneLinkImageInteractor | Predefined grapher interactor to create IlvOneLinkImage instances |
CIlvMakeOneSplineLinkImageInteractor | Predefined grapher interactor to create IlvOneSplineLinkImage instances |
CIlvMakePolylineLinkInteractor | Grapher interactor to create IlvPolylineLinkImage links |
CIlvMakePolyLinkInteractor | Grapher interactor to create links defined by several points |
CIlvMakeReliefNodeInteractor | Grapher interactor to create nodes drawn as relief rectangles |
CIlvMakeShadowNodeInteractor | Grapher interactor to create nodes drawn as shadow rectangles |
CIlvOneLinkImage | Implementation of links drawn with 2 orthogonal segments |
CIlvOneSplineLinkImage | Implementation of links drawn with a spline defined by 2 orthogonal segments |
CIlvPinEditorInteractor | Grapher interactor for editing connection pins |
CIlvPolylineLinkImage | Implementation of links with an arbitrary shape |
CIlvRemoveLinkCommand | Grapher command class |
CIlvRemoveNodeCommand | Grapher command class |
CIlvSCGrapherRectangle | View rectangle class |