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IlvScriptChartFunction Class Reference

Class for data sets described by a script function. More...

#include <ilviews/charts/scriptft.h>

Inheritance diagram for IlvScriptChartFunction:
IlvAbstractChartFunction IlvChartDataSet IlvValueInterface

Public Member Functions

 IlvScriptChartFunction (const char *name=0, IlvPointInfoCollection *ptInfoCollection=0)
 Constructor. More...
 IlvScriptChartFunction (const IlvCoordInterval &xRange, IlUInt count, const char *scriptFunctionName, IlvGraphicHolder *holder, const IlSymbol *scriptLanguageName=0, const char *name=0, IlvPointInfoCollection *ptInfoCollection=0)
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~IlvScriptChartFunction ()
 Destructor. More...
IlBoolean callScriptFunction (IlDouble x, IlDouble &y) const
 Computes the ordinate value of a data point from the abscissa value. More...
IlvGraphicHoldergetHolder () const
 Returns the holder in which the script function is defined. More...
virtual void getPoint (IlUInt i, IlvDoublePoint &point) const
 Returns a data point. More...
IlvScriptContextgetScriptContext () const
 Returns the script context in which the script function is defined. More...
const char * getScriptFunctionName () const
 Returns the script function name. More...
const IlSymbolgetScriptLanguageName () const
 Returns the name of the scripting language used to write the script function. More...
virtual IlBoolean isFunctionDefined () const
 Indicates whether the script function describing the data is defined. More...
void setHolder (IlvGraphicHolder *holder)
 Sets the holder in which the script function is defined. More...
void setScriptFunctionName (const char *name)
 Sets the script function name. More...
void setScriptLanguageName (const IlSymbol *name)
 Sets the name of the scripting language used to write the script function. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IlvAbstractChartFunction
virtual IlUInt getDataCount () const
 Returns the number of defined data items. More...
IlDouble getXMax () const
 Returns the maximum value considered for the abscissa. More...
IlDouble getXMin () const
 Returns the minimum value considered for the abscissa. More...
virtual IlBoolean isIncreasingOnX () const
 Indicates whether the managed data has increasing abscissa values. More...
void setDataCount (IlUInt count)
 Sets the number of considered data points. More...
void setXMax (IlDouble max)
 Sets the maximum value considered for the abscissa. More...
void setXMin (IlDouble min)
 Sets the minimum value considered for the abscissa. More...
virtual void write (IlvOutputFile &) const
 Writes the attributes of the current object in a file. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IlvChartDataSet
virtual ~IlvChartDataSet ()
 Destructor. More...
void addListener (IlvChartDataSetListener *listener)
 Adds a listener. More...
IlBoolean addPoint (const IlvDoublePoint &point, IlvChartDataPointInfo *pointInfo=0, IlBoolean copyPointInfo=IlFalse)
 Adds a represented data point (and its associated point information object if any). More...
IlBoolean areListenersEnabled () const
 Indicates whether the listeners are enabled. More...
virtual IlvChartDataSetcopy () const =0
 Creates and returns a copy of the current object. More...
virtual void dataAllPointsRemoved ()
 Performs the necessary updates when all data points are removed. More...
virtual void dataPointAdded (IlUInt position)
 Performs the necessary updates when a new data point is added. More...
virtual void dataPointChanged (IlUInt ptidx, IlBoolean beforeChange)
 Performs the necessary updates when a data point is changed. More...
virtual void dataPointRemoved (IlUInt ptidx)
 Performs the necessary updates when a data point is removed. More...
void enableListeners (IlBoolean b)
 Specifies whether the listeners should be enabled. More...
virtual void endBatch ()
 Specifies the end of a set of modifications. More...
IlUInt getAddMaxIdx () const
 Returns the maximum index of the data points that have been added between the first call of the startBatch() method and the last call of the endBatch() method. More...
IlUInt getAddMinIdx () const
 Returns the minimum index of the data points that have been added between the first call of the startBatch() method and the last call of the endBatch() method. More...
void getBoundingValues (IlvCoordInterval &xRange, IlvCoordInterval &yRange) const
 Returns the bounding values of the managed data. More...
IlvChartDataSetListener *const * getListeners (IlUInt &count) const
 Returns all the listeners. More...
IlUInt getMaxCount () const
 Returns the maximum number of data items that can be managed. More...
const char * getName () const
 Returns the name of the current data set. More...
IlvChartDataPointInfogetPointInfo (IlUInt ptidx) const
 Returns the point information associated with a data item. More...
IlvPointInfoCollectiongetPointInfoCollection () const
 Returns the object used to manage the point information. More...
IlUInt getPointInfoCount () const
 Returns the number of defined point information items. More...
IlvDoublePointgetPoints (IlUInt &count) const
 Returns all the represented data points. More...
virtual IlvDoublePointgetPointsBetween (IlUInt indexMin, IlUInt indexMax, IlUInt &count) const
 Returns some of the data points represented by the current data set. More...
virtual IlvDoublePointgetPointsInRange (IlUInt &count, IlUInt *&dataPointIndexes, const IlvCoordInterval &xRange, const IlvCoordInterval &yRange, IlBoolean needContinuity) const
 Returns a range of data points represented by the current data set. More...
virtual const IlvCoordIntervalgetXRange () const
 Returns the abscissa bounding values of the managed data. More...
virtual const IlvCoordIntervalgetYRange () const
 Returns the ordinate bounding values of the managed data. More...
virtual IlBoolean insertPoint (const IlvDoublePoint &point, IlUInt ptidx, IlvChartDataPointInfo *pointInfo=0, IlBoolean copyPointInfo=IlFalse)
 Inserts a represented data point (and its associated point information object if any). More...
virtual IlBoolean insertPoints (IlUInt count, const IlvDoublePoint *points, IlUInt position=IlvLastPositionIndex, IlvChartDataPointInfo *const *pInfos=0, IlBoolean copyPointInfo=IlFalse)
 Inserts several represented data points (and their associated point information objects if any). More...
IlBoolean isLimited () const
 Indicates whether the number of managed data items is limited. More...
virtual IlBoolean isRemovalAllowed () const
 Indicates whether managed data can be removed. More...
virtual IlBoolean isWritable () const
 Indicates whether managed data can be modified. More...
void lock ()
 Locks the current IlvChartDataSet object. More...
void removeAllPointInfo ()
 Removes all the defined point information. More...
virtual void removeAllPoints ()
 Removes all the represented data points (and their associated point information objects if any). More...
IlvChartDataSetListenerremoveListener (IlvChartDataSetListener *l)
 Removes a listener. More...
void removeListeners ()
 Removes all the listeners.
virtual IlBoolean removePointAndInfo (IlUInt ptidx)
 Removes a represented data point (and its associated point information object if any). More...
IlBoolean removePointInfo (IlUInt ptidx)
 Removes the point information associated with a data item. More...
virtual void removePointsAndInfo ()
 Removes all the represented data points (and their associated point information objects if any). More...
IlvOutputFilesave (IlvOutputFile &file) const
 Writes a complete description of the current object in a file. More...
void setMaxCount (IlUInt maxCount)
 Sets the maximum number of managed data items. More...
void setName (const char *name)
 Sets the name of the current data set. More...
virtual IlBoolean setPoint (IlUInt ptidx, const IlvDoublePoint &point)
 Sets a represented data point. More...
IlBoolean setPointInfo (IlUInt ptidx, IlvChartDataPointInfo *pointInfo, IlBoolean copyPointInfo=IlFalse)
 Sets the point information associated with a data item. More...
void setPointInfoCollection (IlvPointInfoCollection *ptic)
 Sets the object used to manage the point information. More...
virtual void startBatch ()
 Specifies the beginning of a set of modifications. More...
void unLock ()
 Unlocks the current IlvChartDataSet object. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from IlvChartDataSet
static IlvChartDataSetLoad (IlvInputFile &file)
 Reads a data set object from a file. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IlvAbstractChartFunction
 IlvAbstractChartFunction (const char *name=0, IlvPointInfoCollection *ptInfoCollection=0)
 Initializes a new IlvAbstractChartFunction object. More...
 IlvAbstractChartFunction (const IlvAbstractChartFunction &dataSet)
 Initializes a new IlvAbstractChartFunction object as a copy of another IlvAbstractChartFunction. More...
 IlvAbstractChartFunction (const IlvCoordInterval &xRange, IlUInt count, const char *name=0, IlvPointInfoCollection *ptInfoCollection=0)
 Initializes a new IlvAbstractChartFunction object. More...
 IlvAbstractChartFunction (IlvInputFile &file)
 Initializes a new IlvAbstractChartFunction object from an input file. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IlvChartDataSet
 IlvChartDataSet (const char *name=0, IlvPointInfoCollection *pointInfoCollection=0)
 Initializes a new IlvChartDataSet object. More...
 IlvChartDataSet (const IlvChartDataSet &dataSet)
 Initializes a new IlvChartDataSet object as a copy of another IlvChartDataSet. More...
 IlvChartDataSet (IlvInputFile &file)
 Initializes a new IlvChartDataSet object from an input file. More...
void computeBoundingValues ()
 Computes the bounding values of the managed data. More...
virtual void computeMinMaxValues (IlvCoordInterval &xRange, IlvCoordInterval &yRange) const
 Computes the abscissa and ordinate bounding values of the managed data. More...

Detailed Description

Class for data sets described by a script function.

Library: ilvcharts

This is a subclass of IlvAbstractChartFunction for which the data points are described by a function of the type y = f(x) defined by a script. The script function is retrieved by using its name and the holder of the script context in which the script function is written.

The abscissa of the nth data point of this data set is obtained by the following formula:

x = ((_xMax - _xMin) / (_dataCount -1)) * i + _xMin,

where _xMin and _xMax are the minimum and the maximum values for the abscissa, and _dataCount is the number of data. The ordinate is equal to f(x).

See also
IlvAbstractChartFunction, IlvPointInfoCollection, IlvGraphicHolder, IlvScriptContext.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ IlvScriptChartFunction() [1/2]

IlvScriptChartFunction::IlvScriptChartFunction ( const char *  name = 0,
IlvPointInfoCollection ptInfoCollection = 0 


Initializes a new IlvScriptChartFunction object. The script function name, the holder, and the data count are set to 0.
The name of the scripting language used to write the script function is also set to 0. In this case, the scripting language that will be used is the default one. This default language can be obtained by the IlvScriptLanguage::GetDefault method.

nameIf not 0, this string becomes the name of the created data set. The name passed as a parameter is copied.
ptInfoCollectionThe object used to manage the point information for the created data set.

◆ IlvScriptChartFunction() [2/2]

IlvScriptChartFunction::IlvScriptChartFunction ( const IlvCoordInterval xRange,
IlUInt  count,
const char *  scriptFunctionName,
IlvGraphicHolder holder,
const IlSymbol scriptLanguageName = 0,
const char *  name = 0,
IlvPointInfoCollection ptInfoCollection = 0 


Initializes a new IlvScriptChartFunction object.

xRangeThe interval of values considered for the abscissa.
countThe number of considered data points.
scriptFunctionNameThe name of the script function used to define the data points.
holderThe holder that the script context in which the script function is written is associated with. If no holder is specified, the script context that will be used is the global script context.
scriptLanguageNameThe name of the scripting language used to write the script function. If no name is specified (that means that scriptFunctionName is equal to 0), the scripting language that will be used is the default one. This default language can be obtained by the IlvScriptLanguage::GetDefault method.
nameIf not 0, this string becomes the name of the created data set. The name passed as a parameter is copied.
ptInfoCollectionThe object used to manage the point information for the created data set.

◆ ~IlvScriptChartFunction()

virtual IlvScriptChartFunction::~IlvScriptChartFunction ( )


The destructor deletes the name of the script function and sets the pointer to the holder stored by the current object to 0.

Member Function Documentation

◆ callScriptFunction()

IlBoolean IlvScriptChartFunction::callScriptFunction ( IlDouble  x,
IlDouble y 
) const

Computes the ordinate value of a data point from the abscissa value.

This method calls the defined script function with the parameter x and returns the result of the function in y.

xThe abscissa value of a given data point.
yThe computed ordinate of the data point.
IlTrue if the call of the script function is successful. Otherwise, it returns IlFalse.

◆ getHolder()

IlvGraphicHolder* IlvScriptChartFunction::getHolder ( ) const

Returns the holder in which the script function is defined.

The script function is defined in a given script context. This method returns the holder with which this script context is associated. The holder is used to retrieve the definition of the script function.

The holder in which the script function is defined.

◆ getPoint()

virtual void IlvScriptChartFunction::getPoint ( IlUInt  i,
IlvDoublePoint point 
) const

Returns a data point.

Returns in point the point of index i for the current data set. This point is defined as follows:

IlDouble x = ((_xMax - _xMin) / ( _dataCount -1)) * i + _xMin;
else y = _yMin;

where _xMin and _xMax are the minimum and the maximum values for the abscissa, _dataCount is the number of data considered, and _yMin the minimum value of the ordinate for all the considered data.

iThe index of the returned data point.
pointThe returned data point.

Implements IlvChartDataSet.

◆ getScriptContext()

IlvScriptContext* IlvScriptChartFunction::getScriptContext ( ) const

Returns the script context in which the script function is defined.

The script context in which the script function is defined. The script context is obtained by using the stored holder. Several script contexts may be associated with the holder. The returned script context is the script context using the scripting language whose name is returned by the IlvScriptChartFunction::getScriptLanguageName method or the default scripting language if no name is defined.
If no holder is defined, the returned script context is the global one that can be obtained by a call to the IlvScriptContext::GetGlobal method.

◆ getScriptFunctionName()

const char* IlvScriptChartFunction::getScriptFunctionName ( ) const

Returns the script function name.

The name of the script function used to describe the data points for the considered data set. You must not modify or delete the returned string.

◆ getScriptLanguageName()

const IlSymbol* IlvScriptChartFunction::getScriptLanguageName ( ) const

Returns the name of the scripting language used to write the script function.

The name of the scripting language used to write the script function or 0 if no name is defined.
If no name of scripting language is defined, the scripting language that will be used is the default one. This default language can be obtained by the IlvScriptLanguage::GetDefault() method.

◆ isFunctionDefined()

virtual IlBoolean IlvScriptChartFunction::isFunctionDefined ( ) const

Indicates whether the script function describing the data is defined.

IlTrue if the script function describing the data is defined and IlFalse otherwise.

Reimplemented from IlvAbstractChartFunction.

◆ setHolder()

void IlvScriptChartFunction::setHolder ( IlvGraphicHolder holder)

Sets the holder in which the script function is defined.

The script function is defined in a given script context. This method sets the holder with which this script context is associated. The stored holder allows you to retrieve the definition of the script function.

holderThe new holder in which the script function is defined.

◆ setScriptFunctionName()

void IlvScriptChartFunction::setScriptFunctionName ( const char *  name)

Sets the script function name.

nameThe name of the script function used to describe the data points for the considered data set.

◆ setScriptLanguageName()

void IlvScriptChartFunction::setScriptLanguageName ( const IlSymbol name)

Sets the name of the scripting language used to write the script function.

nameThe new name of the scripting language used to write the script function. If name is equal to 0, the scripting language that will be used is the default one. This default language can be obtained by the IlvScriptLanguage::GetDefault method.
double IlDouble
virtual IlBoolean isFunctionDefined() const
Indicates whether the script function describing the data is defined.
IlBoolean callScriptFunction(IlDouble x, IlDouble &y) const
Computes the ordinate value of a data point from the abscissa value.