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IlvPromptDialog Class Reference

String entry dialog. More...

#include <ilviews/util/dialogs.h>

Public Member Functions

 IlvPromptDialog (IlvSystemView parent, const char *message, IlUInt count=0, const char **strings=0)
 Initializes a new IlvPromptDialog instance. More...
 ~IlvPromptDialog ()
 Destructor. More...
void setString (const char *string)
 Sets the user choice to a string. More...
void setStrings (IlUInt count, const char **strings)
 Sets the user choice to a list of strings. More...
void setTitle (const char *title)
 Sets the dialog's title. More...
const char * show ()
 Displays the dialog. More...
const char * show (IlvPos x, IlvPos y)
 Displays the dialog at a given location. More...

Detailed Description

String entry dialog.

Library: xviews or winviews or mviews (mutually exclusive)

This class builds a dialog box that asks the user to specify a string by typing it in a field or choosing from a list of valid values.

_- An IlvPromptDialog on a Windows platform -_

This class is dependent on the standard toolkit used in conjunction with Rogue Wave Views. It can be used only if you link your final application with the system toolkit supported by Rogue Wave Views (on Unix platforms, you must use the library libmviews instead of libxviews and link with the Motif library). If you do not want to use these libraries, you can use a dialog box class based on Rogue Wave Views gadgets (IlvIPromptString) that does not need the system toolkit, but that depends on the gadgets library of Rogue Wave Views.

See also
IlvIPromptString, IlvInformationDialog, IlvQuestionDialog, IlvIQuestionDialog.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

§ IlvPromptDialog()

IlvPromptDialog::IlvPromptDialog ( IlvSystemView  parent,
const char *  message,
IlUInt  count = 0,
const char **  strings = 0 

Initializes a new IlvPromptDialog instance.

The dialog displays the indicated message and optionally a list of strings that specifies the domain of the valid answers. A standard Widget (to use the X Window terminology) is created.

parentThe system view (that you usually get by calling the method IlvAbstractView::getSystemView() of an existing view) for which this dialog is created. The dialog, when displayed, is transient for this view.
messageThe message that is displayed next to the entry field.
countThe number of initial strings that are proposed to the end user. Note that if no string is provided, only the message will be displayed.
stringsAn array of count strings that are proposed to the user. This array and its contents are copied.

§ ~IlvPromptDialog()

IlvPromptDialog::~IlvPromptDialog ( )


The encapsulated widget is destroyed.

Member Function Documentation

§ setString()

void IlvPromptDialog::setString ( const char *  string)

Sets the user choice to a string.

stringThe string that is presented to the user when the dialog box is displayed. This string is copied.

§ setStrings()

void IlvPromptDialog::setStrings ( IlUInt  count,
const char **  strings 

Sets the user choice to a list of strings.

The initial choice is set to the first string of the list.

countThe number of strings that are proposed.
stringsThe array of count strings that define the new domain of valid answers.

§ setTitle()

void IlvPromptDialog::setTitle ( const char *  title)

Sets the dialog's title.

The default title is "Text chooser". Use this method to change this to whatever you need.

titleThe new title of this dialog. The string is copied.

§ show() [1/2]

const char* IlvPromptDialog::show ( )

Displays the dialog.

Pops the dialog box on the screen, and waits until the user has chosen a string and pressed the OK or Cancel buttons.

The string that was chosen, or 0 if the user has pressed the Cancel button. The returned string must not be modified or deleted.

§ show() [2/2]

const char* IlvPromptDialog::show ( IlvPos  x,
IlvPos  y 

Displays the dialog at a given location.

This member function is similar to show(), but you can specify the location of the dialog box.

xThe x coordinate, relative to the upper-left corner of the screen, where the dialogs appears.
yThe y coordinate, relative to the upper-left corner of the screen, where the dialogs appears.
The string that was chosen, or 0 if the user has pressed the Cancel button. The returned string must not be modified or deleted.

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