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IlvCircularChartCursor Class Reference

Cursor subclass for ordinate scales of polar charts. More...

#include <ilviews/charts/cursor.h>

Inheritance diagram for IlvCircularChartCursor:
IlvAbstractChartCursor IlvValueInterface

Public Member Functions

 IlvCircularChartCursor (IlDouble value, IlvCircularScaleDisplayer *ref, IlvPalette *palette=0)
 Constructor. More...
virtual void delimiterBBox (const IlvSingleScaleDisplayer *scale, const IlvPoint &cursorPoint, IlDouble cursorAngle, const IlvRect &scaleDataDisplayArea, IlvRect &bbox) const
 Returns the bounding box of the delimiter. More...
virtual void drawDelimiter (const IlvSingleScaleDisplayer *scale, const IlvPoint &cursorPoint, IlDouble cursorAngle, const IlvRect &scaleDataDisplayArea, IlvPort *dst, const IlvRegion *clip) const
 Draws the cursor delimiter. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IlvAbstractChartCursor
virtual ~IlvAbstractChartCursor ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual void axisMarkBBox (const IlvSingleScaleDisplayer *scale, const IlvPoint &cursorPoint, IlDouble cursorAngle, IlvRect &bbox) const
 Returns the bounding box of the axis mark. More...
virtual void boundingBox (const IlvSingleScaleDisplayer *scale, const IlvPoint &cursorPoint, IlDouble cursorAngle, const IlvRect &scaleDataDisplayArea, IlvRect &bbox) const
 Returns the bounding box of the cursor. More...
virtual void draw (const IlvSingleScaleDisplayer *scale, const IlvPoint &cursorPoint, IlDouble cursorAngle, const IlvRect &scaleDataDisplayArea, IlvPort *dst, const IlvRegion *clip) const
 Draws the cursor. More...
void drawAxisMark (IlBoolean draw)
 Specifies whether the cursor draws an axis mark. More...
virtual void drawAxisMark (const IlvSingleScaleDisplayer *scale, const IlvPoint &cursorPoint, IlDouble cursorAngle, IlvPort *dst, const IlvRegion *clip) const
 Draws the axis mark. More...
void drawDelimiter (IlBoolean draw)
 Specifies whether the cursor draws a delimiter. More...
void drawGhost (IlBoolean ghost)
 Specifies whether the delimiter is drawn is XOR mode. More...
IlvDrawOrder getDrawOrder () const
 Returns the drawing order of the cursor. More...
const char * getLabel () const
 Returns the label associated with the cursor. More...
const char * getName () const
 Returns the name of the cursor. More...
IlvPalettegetPalette () const
 Returns the palette used to draw the cursor. More...
IlDouble getValue () const
 Returns the value associated with the cursor. More...
IlBoolean isDrawingAxisMark () const
 Indicates whether the cursor draws an axis mark. More...
IlBoolean isDrawingDelimiter () const
 Indicates whether the cursor draws a delimiter. More...
IlBoolean isDrawingGhost () const
 Indicates whether the delimiter is drawn in XOR mode. More...
IlBoolean isVisible () const
 Returns the visibility state of the cursor. More...
void setDrawOrder (IlvDrawOrder drawOrder)
 Sets the drawing order of the cursor. More...
void setLabel (const char *label)
 Sets the label of the cursor. More...
void setName (const char *name)
 Sets the name of the cursor. More...
void setPalette (IlvPalette *palette)
 Sets the palette used to draw the cursor. More...
void setValue (IlDouble value)
 Sets the value of the cursor. More...
void setVisible (IlBoolean visible)
 Sets the visibility state of the cursor. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from IlvAbstractChartCursor
 IlvAbstractChartCursor (IlDouble value, IlvPalette *palette=0)
 Constructor. More...
 IlvAbstractChartCursor (const IlvAbstractChartCursor &cursor)
 Constructor. More...
 IlvAbstractChartCursor (IlvInputFile &file)
 Constructor. More...

Detailed Description

Cursor subclass for ordinate scales of polar charts.

Library: ilvcharts

This class is a subclass of IlvAbstractChartCursor that allows you to define a circular cursor. This kind of cursor is used only for polar charts. A polar chart displays data expressed in polar coordinates with an abscissa scale that is circular and ordinate scales that are radial. A circular cursor is designed to be added to a radial scale of a polar chart. It draws an arc intersecting this scale at the corresponding value of the cursor. The drawn arc and the abscissa scale are concentric.

You can see an example of a circular cursor on the figure below where a cursor is added to the ordinate scale of the displayed chart. You can notice that the cursor line is drawn by using the same range as the circular abscissa scale.

See also

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

§ IlvCircularChartCursor()

IlvCircularChartCursor::IlvCircularChartCursor ( IlDouble  value,
IlvCircularScaleDisplayer ref,
IlvPalette palette = 0 


Initializes a new IlvCircularChartCursor object. The opposite scale of the chart (that is, the abscissa scale) must be provided as a reference.

valueThe cursor value.
refThe reference scale.
paletteThe palette used to draw the cursor.

Member Function Documentation

§ delimiterBBox()

virtual void IlvCircularChartCursor::delimiterBBox ( const IlvSingleScaleDisplayer scale,
const IlvPoint cursorPoint,
IlDouble  cursorAngle,
const IlvRect scaleDataDisplayArea,
IlvRect bbox 
) const

Returns the bounding box of the delimiter.

This method must be defined in subclasses.

scaleThe scale to which the cursor is attached.
cursorPointThe point in view coordinates on the scale axis.
cursorAngleThe direction angle of the cursor from the scale axis.
scaleDataDisplayAreaThe data display area of the corresponding scale.
bboxThe returned bounding box.

Implements IlvAbstractChartCursor.

§ drawDelimiter()

virtual void IlvCircularChartCursor::drawDelimiter ( const IlvSingleScaleDisplayer scale,
const IlvPoint cursorPoint,
IlDouble  cursorAngle,
const IlvRect scaleDataDisplayArea,
IlvPort dst,
const IlvRegion clip 
) const

Draws the cursor delimiter.

This method must be defined in subclasses. The defined method should take into account the ghost drawing property of the delimiter (see the IlvAbstractChartCursor::isDrawingGhost method).

scaleThe scale to which the cursor is attached.
cursorPointThe point in view coordinates on the scale axis.
cursorAngleThe direction angle of the cursor from the scale axis.
scaleDataDisplayAreaThe data display area of the corresponding scale.
dstThe drawing port.
clipThe drawing clip.

Implements IlvAbstractChartCursor.

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