Windows Compiling and Linking Options
To compile the examples supplied with the libraries, you can use:
Visual Studio
A number of solution (.sln) and project (.vcproj) files for Visual Studio are provided for you to compile.
The command line tool.
A number of makefiles that can be used with the command nmake (Microsoft Visual C++) are provided.
Reminder: The <FORMAT> directories are located in the directory specific to your system (x86_.net20* or x64_.net20*). For the value of <FORMAT>, see the section corresponding to the compiler you use. |
The packing alignment value for the structure and union members used to build the libraries is the default value of the compiler as described in
Compiling and Linking with Microsoft Visual C++.
Compiling and Linking with Microsoft Visual C++
This section discusses the requirements for compiling your source files with Microsoft Visual C++.
Most of the binaries rely on the data files provided in the Rogue Wave Views library, and you will need to copy these files as well as the .EXE file when installing a program on another platform. You may also place these files in the resources bound to the executable.
The packing alignment for structure and union members is 8 bytes.
The libraries are standard C++ libraries and are provided in the following formats:
DLL_MDA: dynamic multi-threaded runtime libraries with dynamic runtime libraries
STAT_MDA: static multi-threaded runtime libraries with dynamic runtime libraries
STAT_MTA: static multi-threaded runtime libraries with static runtime libraries
Here are the compilation flags to use:
Compilation Flags
Note: When compiling files in debug mode, you must use the nondebug version of the runtime libraries and also undefine the macro _DEBUG. (This is because Rogue Wave Views uses only nondebug runtime libraries.) |
Version 6.3
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