Foundation > Views > IlvView: The Drawing Class
IlvView: The Drawing Class
The class IlvView is one of the descendants of IlvAbstractView (and thus of IlvPort) in the Class-Oriented View Hierarchy.
The IlvView subclass is a major class, since it represents the actual place on the screen where drawing occurs. An instance of IlvView can also contain zones that are sensitive to mouse clicks.
The IlvView class and its subclasses provide objects that are used to draw things on the screen. They may be top-level windows or children of a previously created parent view.
Two constructors are specifically used to create a new top-window in your display instance:
IlvView(IlvDisplay* display,
const char* name,
const char* title,
const IlvRect& size,
IlBoolean visible = IlTrue);
IlvView(IlvDisplay* display,
const char* name,
const char* title,
const IlvRect& size,
IlUInt properties,
IlBoolean visible = IlTrue,
IlvSystemView transientFor = 0);
The second constructor allows you to specify the top-window aspect that deals with borders, banners, and handles. You can provide a valid system view value to the transientFor parameter. If you do, your new IlvView object will be transient for that system view. This has the interesting effect that when the system view is iconified, your view is implicitly iconified as well.
Some member functions of the IlvView class are specific and meaningful only if the view is a top-window.
The other constructors are:
IlvView(IlvAbstractView* parent,
const IlvRect& size,
IlBoolean visible = IlTrue);
IlvView(IlvDisplay* display,
IlvSystemView parent,
const IlvRect& size,
IlBoolean visible = IlTrue);
The parent parameter is either an IlvAbstractView or an existing IlvSystemView.
The last constructor of IlvView is used to let Rogue Wave® Views take control over an existing IlvSystemView such as one created by another application.
IlvView(IlvDisplay* display,
IlvSystemView existingWindow);
You will use this constructor when you want to extend a native application (written with the Microsoft Windows SDK or MFC or, on UNIX, X Window or Motif code) with Rogue Wave Views graphic capabilities.
You will probably create your IlvDisplay from an existing connection (see Connecting to the Display Server). Because the windows hierarchy is likely to have been set up already, your IlvView objects will have to take control of existing windows.

Version 6.0
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